Here a new short story! And this was requested by Lilyeclipse93. Hope you all enjoy this short story.
"Hey! I remember these!" Valt found something from the store's window he was walking by. He saw a packs with chocolate cover pocky sticks.
"I love these when I was a kid! But why did I stop eating them?" Valt question to himself.
And went in the store and bought some pocky. He was going to save them for later as a snack.
He was going on the school rooftop to train with his friend and it's the weekend.
Valt and the Bey Club's member we're here training with they're beys.
They been training for an hour, till Rantaro and Wakiya started to argue like they always do.
"Oh, like I'm gotta listen to you! I'm alright better blader then anyone!" Said Wakiya.
"No, your not! And stop acting like your the captain!!!" Shout Rantaro.
They argue the same thing again over and over.
Daigo was going to stop them from arguing like little kids. But Valt had a other way to stop they're arguing.
Valt put a pocky on Wakiya and Rantaro's mouth.
And they we're sharing the same pocky stick from the top edges. Wakiya and Rantaro blush, did Valt wanted them to do the pocky game?
"Want one, Daigo?" Ask Valt handing him a pocky.
"Thanks, but I'm gotta pass..." Said Daigo. He doesn't want any pocky or get himself playing the game.
"Alright then!" Valt took a bite on his pocky.
Everybody just look at Valt. He didn't have a reaction that he's making Wakiya and Rantaro to kiss.
Valt just look at them confuse.
"What? What?!.......... If you guys wanted the full pocky sticks you could of just ask!" Valt gave away two pocky sticks to Wakiya and Rantaro. And just leave with thirteen pocky sticks left.
Rantaro and Wakiya just blush all over they're faces and fainted to the ground flinching. Daigo just stay there sweat drop and a little blush on his cheeks.
And realize Valt doesn't know what the pocky game is...
"What was that all about? I just give them a pocky stick to make them stop fighting. It works when I was a little kid... Now that I think about, last time I did that some kids got mad at me and I still don't know why? You can just break the half of the pocky stick and eat it. But why did they blush when I give them to them?.... Hmmmm......I don't know, I'm just going to enjoy my pocky." Though Valt eating his pocky out of the pack. He walks through the park eating his pocky till he heard some fangirls screaming?...Valt turn around and saw a two crowd of fangirls
And know what fangirls they are. They're Zac and Akira's fans, guess Zac and Akira are here together. This won't end will...
Fangirls screaming of fangirlism to Zac and Akira.
"Zac your so hot!!!"
"Akira is so adorable, I just want to hug him and never let go!!!!!!"
"Zac the sunshine is super amazing!!!!
Fangirls being fangirls to there idols!
Valt just sweat drop with an awkward smile with the pocky stick in his mouth.
"It alright ladies, there's enough sunshine to go around." Said Zac with his charming looking sparkling.
"And there's more me to be around of all of my fans!" Said Akira with his cute charm.
All of the girl fangirl of fangirlism for both of them.
Zac was enjoying his fans but doesn't enjoy that Akira is stealing his fans without a sweat. And he tries to hide it because everybody look at him like a chill guy not getting jealous type. That what he though till he first meet Akira.
The fangirls we're getting more attention on Akira then Zac.
Zac secretly getting mad.
Valt came if Zac wants a pocky stick.
"Hi, Zac!" Valt replied.
"Oh, hi Twinkle toes! What are you doing here?" Zac ask.
"I taught you wanted some pocky?" Valt show Zac some pocky from the packed.
"Oh, way thank you Twinkle toes. I'll like one, oh chocolate! You know, there a-hmm!"
"Hey Zac, like what yo-hmm!"
Zac and Akira's mouth are at the edge of the pocky stick. They both had a blush on there's cheeks.
Valt just left a second ago not knowing Zac's explanation about the pocky.
Zac and Akira blink, they're trap of the pocky game and no away out! And the only way out is to play the game...
All the fangirls scream crazy of fangirlism!
Zac and Akira had a tie on the pocky game and that means.....they kiss on each others lips!...
And some of the fangirls fated to the ground, they totally ship it!
Valt turn around but no one was there.
"That's odd, I though I heard some screaming of fangirlism? Eh, all!" Valt continued to eat a another pocky. He know have eleven left.
He walk around again enjoying his pocky in his mouth. And Valt notice an old friend of his, it was Ken.
"Hey, Ken!" Valt waves his hand to gets Ken's attention.
"Oh, hi there Valt, buddy old pal!" Said Besu.
"I just came here to say hi and if you wanted some pocky?" Said Valt with his smile on his face.
"Pocky! What kind of pocky?!..." Said Keru.
Valt look at the pocky packed.
"Chocolate....." Valt responded to Keru's question.
"Oh, sure why not..." Ken realized he can't get the pocky stick from Valt, because of his puppets and did a bet that Ken can not use his hands for the day.
"Valt can you put that in my mouth, I can't use my hands today...because of a bet....."
"Ok!" Valt put a pocky in Ken's mouth.
"Thanks pal!" Said Besu for the help.
"No, problem! Bye Ken!" Valt wave good bye and left.
"Bye Valt!" Said Besu.
"See ya later!" Said Keru.
"Hey, Ken! Are you ready t-hmm!" Ben got himself interrupted by a pocky stick.
"Hmm!!!" Ken blush.
Ben and Ken are sharing the same different edge of the pocky stick. Ben blush though that Ken wants to do the pocky game. But unfortunately Ken blush all over his face and fainted to the ground blushing red all over his face.. Ben blush and panic if Ken okay!?

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...