Sweet Apple 🍎 (Fubuki x Agia)

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Hey, guys... Sorry for the long wait... My birthday, my 1year anniversary on wattpad, and Father's day is coming up soon and I have to go somewhere to celebrate them.
If you don't know what day is my birthday and anniversary. I told on the previous chapter.
But I'll remind you anyway.
1 year anniversary; June 15
My birthday: June 17
I hope you like this lemon story.

~•warning•~ Get tissues if you're going to nosebleed...

"........................." Fubuki just stands there on the door seeing Agia with his sleeping bag.
"....................." Agia just stands there waiting for Fubuki to say something.
Their was an awkward silent in the air.
"Hi..." Agia finally replied and break the awkward silent.
Fubuki made a face and close the door on Agia.
Agia put his foot on the door stopping it from closing.
"What are you doing here?" Fubuki ask crossing his arms and look at him with a serious face.
"Will...." Agia explains that a blader named, Houi Ou. Sleeping in his tent and snoring like angry ox that chocking on a tree.
"And why did you choose me instead of your sister?" Fubuki ask frowning and still arms cross.
"I don't want to talk about it..." Agia frown and pouts.
"I said I don't want to talk about it!!!" Agia yelled interrupting Fubuki.
"Fine......" Fubuki roll his eyes.
"You can stay.... But don't touch anything....!" Fubuki said looking at Agia seriously.
Agia almost touching Fubuki's vase but stop.
"Fine....." He pouts as he cross his arms and sit down.
"Good..." Fubuki head to the kitchen to get Agia and himself a snack. Agia look at him gone in the kitchen as the cost was clear he slowly going to touch Fubuki's vase.
"Don't touch my vase!!!" Fubuki yelled through the kitchen and warned him. Agia got startled and sit back down.
Fubuki was making sandwiches.
Agia see a wine holder holding apple cider.
"Hm, what this?" Agia walk up and hold a apple cider bottle.
"Looks like apple juice...? Hmm, Fubuki said don't touch anything.... But he didn't say drink anything." Agia smile as he opens the bottle and drinks the whole thing.

1 Minutes Later...

"Ok, Agia... I got some sandwiches." Fubuki holding plates of sandwiches.
".................." Agia didn't say anything just sitting down.
"Agia?..." Fubuki raise an eyebrow.
*Hiccup* "W-what???........" Agia was drunk as he turns his head around and holding an empty bottle.
Fubuki's eyes widened and mad at Agia for touching his parent's wine holder.
"Agia!!!" He growls and yelled.
"Whhhhhaaaaattttt!!!.............." Agia whines and hiccup.
"I told you not to touch anything!!!" Fubuki yell at him.
"I didn't touch!... I drank!!!" Agia hold the empty bottle up.
"Agia!!! How many did you drink that!!?" Fubuki point at the empty bottle that Agia was holding.
"Uhhh............ One..." Agia was dizzy.
"AGIA!!!!!!" Fubuki yelled very loudly.
"What......" Agia see bubbles and still dizzy.
"I told you not to touch anything!!!!" Fubuki reminds him one rule, ONE RULE.... Don't touch anything.
"I didn't!... I drink, theirs a different!!!" Agia was drunk.
"You touch the bottle!!!!!!!" Fubuki corrected him.
"..............." Agia looked at the empty bottle.
"Oh, I didn't think this through....." He hiccup.
Fubuki just face palm of how stupid Agia is being right now.
"Heheheheh......~ *hiccup* Hehehehehe......~ *hiccup* I see stars...~" Agia was drunk talking.
*Sign* "Come on, Agia." Fubuki makes him gets up.
*Hiccup* Where are we going???" *hiccup* Agia hiccups.
"In my room so you can rest." Fubuki gets Agia's sleeping bag and head to his room.
"Nooooooo............... I'm not tired..." Agia whines, hiccuping, and wobbling.
"Go to bed!" Fubuki open his door and lay Agia's sleeping bag on the floor next to his bed.
"Nooooo.................." Agia groans and Fubuki makes him lay down on his sleeping bag.
"Gaaaaaaahhhhh..............." Agia feels hot and dizzy.
"Get some rest..... Baka......" Fubuki mumbles that last part.
Agia sits up and takes off his jacket.
"What are doing?" Fubuki ask raising an eyebrow.
"I'm hot..." Agia groans and hot sweat on his face as he took off his pants straps.
Fubuki flinch and blush a little as he put his hands on Agia's shoulders quickly.
"W-wait! Don't take off your clothes!!!" He said stopping him.
Agia grabs his ponytail/hair tie and pulls his hair down.
"!?" Fubuki's heart skip seeing Agia's hair down. He seen Agia hair down but it was kinda up like a super saiyan but this one different. Agia's hair was fully down and look like a girl and flower petals came making Agia look beautiful.
*Hiccup* "W-What are you staring at?..." Agia was still dizzy, hiccuping and moving his hair back a little.
"Uh! N-nothing!" Fubuki looks away and blushing a little. His heart won't stop beating so fast.
"Yeah, Agia?..." Fubuki look at him.
Agia cups his cheeks and slowly lean. Fubuki blush madly and feeling Agia's lips with his.
*Chu~* Agia keeps and continue kissing him.
Fubuki blush but slowly kiss back.

They started to French kiss as their tongue dance with each other.
Fubuki carry Agia to his bed and pinned him. Agia was in a horny position with Fubuki standing at the edge of the bed.
Fubuki kiss his neck.
"Ahh!~" Agia let out a moan. He grabs the end of Fubuki's shirt and pull it up. Agia gets up a little and licks his stomach. Fubuki shivers and blush.
Agia pins Fubuki in bed and he was on top. He started licking his nipples.
"Ahh!~" Fubuki moans and blush.
Agia started sucking gently like a baby.
"Ah!~" Fubuki moans softly.
Agia gets up and takes off his shirt that was Fubuki chance to pin Agia again.
He took off his shirt completely and starts licking Agia's chest.
"Ahhh!!~" Agia moans. Fubuki licks and sucks Agia's right nipple and rubbing the left one.
"Ahhhh!!!!!~" Agia moans strongly.
Fubuki took off Agia's shoes and pants same with Agia doing it to Fubuki.
They started to kiss again but more passionately and hungrily. Their tongue fought with each other to see who licks the caves first. And the winner was Fubuki. Agia could've win but he was still a little drunk.
Fubuki licks every corner of Agia's mouth.
"Ahhh!!!~ Ahhh!!!~" Agia moans through the licking and kissing.
Now Agia and Fubuki took off their boxers.
Fubuki licks Agia's tip.
"Ahhh!!!!~" Agia shivers and moans.
Fubuki starting to suck Agia's members.
"Ahhh!!!!~ Ahhh!!!!!~ Ahhh!!!!~" Agia was a moaning mess and drooling saliva down his chin as he finally cum.
Fubuki swallow the cum and Agia panted heavily.
Fubuki made Agia turn to his backside with out warning he enters Agia.
"Ahhh!!!!~ F-Fubuki!~ Ahhhh!!!!~ Ahhh!!!~" Agia moans very loudly and strongly.
Fubuki went back and forth and back and forth faster and faster.
"Ahhh!!!!~ Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!~ Ahhhh!!!!~" Agia moans and grips his nails on the bed sheets as he released his cum.
Fubuki gets out and licks Agia's butt.
"Ahhh!!!!~" Agia shivers and moans hiding his blushing face from Fubuki.
Fubuki lay next to him and strokes his red dark hair.
Agia likes it and it feels nice and also sleepy. Every sleepy.
"Zzzzz...... *snore* Zzzz..... *snore* Zzzzz......" Agia fell asleep.
Fubuki gets the blankets and cover Agia and himself together in bed. He kiss Agia's forehead and whispers;
"You're my sweet candy apple.~" Fubuki lay his head with Agia's and fell asleep too.
They sleep peacefully together through the night.

What do you think?...
The requests box is close because I have to go somewhere... In plane ✈ and I don't have a phone... 😥 And the request of Agia x Valt. I'm sorry I'm not doing that because I don't ship it. I'm soooo very sorry.
I'll be coming back in June 23 and.....
I have to go to Mexico in June 24.... In bus...
It maybe take me like 3-5 days to get there.
I hope I don't sick from the last time I got into a bus.
The first time, the bus broke down somewhere that is parts in Mexico.... I think... I ate and I got a horrible horrible headache.
The second time, we have to wait for a another bus to come and it was hot outside, there was no Wi-Fi even say they have free Wi-Fi but they didn't. The bus smell that maybe cause me to get sick on the first one?... Then the smell of the bathroom. Some person went into the bathroom when he/she came out you can smell that person business...
I hope the third one will be okay....
Don't worry I'll be making stories on my note book. Wish me luck on my birthday, anniversary, and the bus to Mexico...

I know you're asking why not in plane?
Because my grandparents don't have the ports to go on the American plane.... So we took a bus.
I'm going to be with my grandparents and my cousin, xXDearest_JXx.... And my older brother.
Going to Mexico together. Wish my luck on my vacation and surviving my brother for 3-5 days in the bus... I hope your summer vacation will be fun, great, and amazing for you guys.

That's all bye.~

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now