The votes are down and the different type of kissing wins because it was in the lead and the sleeping buddy was so close but the kissing request/vote win. I hope you enjoy the story because it took longer than I though...
Shall we get into the story shall we...~Free was in Chris's Office laying on the sofa reading some magazines because he got nothing else to do. While he can train or bey battle someone but he's lazy and really don't feel like it. Free yawns and get a different magazine because all the magazines that Chirs has doesn't interest him one bit because it's girly and beyblade topics.
Chris was doing some paper work and checking her schedule for tournaments and meetings.
Free skips some pages and finally found something interesting.
"Hm?... What this?" He looks at the page he was curious about. It was a page saying twenty different type of kissing.
"There different type of kissing?" Free thought looking at the list of kisses.
"Hmmm........." He looks at it and reading some of the description of different kissing tactics.
"They look harmless, seductive, and a lot of work. Does this stuff even work?" Free thought about it and wants to try them out with someone he likes.
"But let see if they really work..." He smirks a little having the right person to do his job.
"Hey, Chris can I borrow this." Free asking holding the magazine that has the twenty different of kissing.
"Hm? Oh, sure Free go ahead." Chris smile sweetly.
"Thanks." Free smile back and leaves with the magazine.
"So which kiss should I do?" He looks at his page and choosing which type of kiss should he do first.
Decisions, decisions...At the Dinning Hall...
Everyone was taking a break from training and getting something to eat so they can get there energy back and ready to battle.
Val, Ranatro, Kit, Cuza, and etc. who are friends with Val or background characters, enjoying their meals. Free walks in trying to find what he's looking for. Val and her friends were talking to each other about beyblade, strategies, improving, that stuff.
Free walk up where Val is and stand behind her seeing her enjoying her meal and talking with friends. He looks down little looking at Val because she's short.
"Hm?..." Val feels someone presents and look up.
"Oh, hi Free do you ne-"
Free lift Val's head a little and kiss her on the lips.
"HM!?" Val flinch and had a shock face.
"Eh!?!" Everyone looks at Free confuse and shock never seeing him making a first move or doing anything romantic.
"H-h-h-his l-l-lips..." Val thought as her brain stop working.8# •Peck kiss•
If you give someone a peck, you're leaning in for a simple, light kiss. Make sure your lips are super soft! It might be the least romantic of kisses, but don't worry, if your crush gives you a quick smooch, that doesn't necessarily mean you're in the friend zone.
Free breaks the kiss and leaves.
"............." Val was frozen in place.
"Valt... Are you okay." Ranatro ask with a sweat drop on his cheek. Val slowly turns red than she was steaming hot like a boiling kettle.
"Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was confuse why Free kiss her and why was it so soft.
"Why was that kiss soft!?! Why did he kiss me!?! What does this mean!?!?!" Val was trap in her thoughts trying to figure out why Free kiss her on the lips.
Free was walking down the hallway as he touch his lips.
"That was inserting and sweet.~" He smile and enjoyed what he did.
"Now, what else should I use next?" Free smirk a little seeing what else of kissing he will use on Val.Later...
Val was training with Valtryek at the non so secret bey stadium at the forest.
"Let it......... RIP!!!" Her bey landed perfectly in the stadium as Valtryek was spinning in high speed.
"Alright, Valtryek! Keep it up!~" Val was cheering for her bey to keep going and work hard like a proud parent. Free was walking around with the magazine from earlier and thinking which kiss should he use next. Than he looks up and see Val training at his secret stadium base. Free walk up to a tree to hide and think which kiss he should use on Val again.
"Should I use number three or four?" He thought looking at the page.
"Ok, here we go again!~ In 3... 2... 1... Let it.... R-RI-!?" Val was going to launch her bey but someone cover her eyes messing up her launch as that person kiss her on the cheek.
"Ah!?!" She squeals in surprises as the person who cover her eyes lets go as she turns around seeing none other than Free De La Hoya.
"F-FREE WHAT THE HECK!?!?!" Valt was mad at Free for startling her like that and messing up with her training. Free touch Val's head and have a little pat.
"Hm??....." Val was confuse she can't tell if this is a tease or a apology. Free stop patting her and kiss her on the forehead.
"Free!..." Val pouts angrily and adorable because this is embarrassing for her.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...