I'm going back to America!!! This is my one final update in Mexico. Don't worry I'm not stopping on my ships.
Hope you enjoy.~".....................😨///////............." Shu was trap on Val's breasts as was he blushing madly and sweat drop.
"Zzzz...... *snore* Zzzz....... *snore* Zzzzz......." Val was sleeping peacefully in her bed and holding Shu as a pillow.
Shu use his music to teleport and use a pillow to replace him and hide in his room screaming and blushing so madly like a red tomato.
"Zzzzz.......... *snore* Zzzzzz........ *snore* Zzzzzz...... Hm.......... Zzzzz......"In Val's Dream...
"Mommy???..... Daddy???..... Where are you??!....."
A little Val wearing a aqua green and white straps top dress with leggings and wearing brown boots. Her hair was down and long wearing. Val was walking alone in a dark night forest. She can hear animals making noise making Val scared.
"Where am I??? Mommy, Daddy!?!" Val yelled for her parents.*BOOM*
The roar of lightening making Val shivers and flinch in fear and making her tear up.
"Huh???!" She turn her head around seeing dangerous animals who think she's food. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!"
Val was running her life in the dark forest.
They chase her all the way through the forest.
"SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!" Val screams and cry as she keeps on running and running till she tripped over a rock and fell and roll down on a small dirt hill.
They stop and trying to find her but gave up and left.
*sob* *sob* *hiccup* *sob* *sob* *hiccup* Val lift her head up with tears and dirt and scratches.
She gets up and walk up to a lake.
"I can't remember....... Mommy.... Daddy.... Where are you?..........." Val cries as a tears streams down on her cheek and dripping on the lake.
The lake slowly started to glow.
"Huh?!" Val look at the glowing lake and her eyes widened of amazement.
Something rise up in the lake.
"Uh!!?" Val back away and a little scare.
It was transforming itself with the water. A animal was standing. A fox made out of water that glowing...
"Uhhh.........." Val's eyes sparkles.
The water fox run up to her and jumped..........
.................................*Gasp* Val woke up as she sits up and catching her breath. She panted and trying to calm herself down.
The sun was shining on a nice Saturday.
"......... That dream......... How long have I seen that dream??......." Val look at her hands.Later...
Xander, Shu, S, and Val went to the market to buy groceries.
"Let see what do we need?...." Val smile and pushing the shopping cart as she look at the list.
"Egg, rice, Raman soup, some sugar, some wasabi, some, huh......." As she was reading on the list Val look up and see the food of shelves and see a bag of sugar.
"Sugar....." Val tries to reach it but she was too small.
"I can almost reach it..... Hmmm! Just a little further.... Hmm!!! Why do they have to make these shelves so tall!... I wish I was taller." Val made a pouty face and whine. A strong manly hand got the sugar for Val.
"Uhh??" Val turns her head and the one who got the sugar was Xander.
"Need this?" He asked with a grin.
"Yeah, thanks you, Xander...." Val smile and blush a little on the cheeks.
"What else?" Xander ask and he put his hands on his hips.
"Umm, will....." Val look at the list but then they both heard a noise a noise of fighting.
Shu and S were fighting who food will be in the cart.
"Guys, I don't have a enough money to buy that... Plus, your not going to eat all of them anyway." Val put her hands on her hips and demanded them to stop.
"How about you stop being such a skunkbug!" Shu yelled at her a little and back at arguing with S.
"SKUNKBUG!!!!!💢" Val got pissed off.
"You have to buy your own food you got that!" She complained with Shu.
The worker gave a announcement. And it was 60% of saving and all the shoppers attacked him and get that 60% off of their saving.
The guys and S were amazed that the worker made the store had least people but for 60% off a lot came.
Like magic, Val sweat drop of the scene and the guy's reaction of this.
"So you guys ready to go?..." Val asked.
They nod, buy the groceries, and leave the store.
"Yeah, I got enough coupon tickets for the shopping arcade. Let enter the raffle the way home. Wow!! The first prize is a trip to the hot springs." Val's eyes sparkles.
"Great, let go get the hot springs package." Shu smile.
"You don't pick it up.... You have to win the prize to get it... So don't get your hopes up, the chances of all of us going, is slim to none..." Val look at Shu as she explains and look away and continue walking.
"We mayb be lucky to have third place..."
They got to the shopping arcade and Val gave her coupon tickets and spin the wheel and a golden marble fell down on the plate.
"We have a winner!~ The first place prize has been taken!~" The guy working here ring his bell for the winner.
"You won a trip to Tokyo's Hot Springs!~'
Val blinks and heard him right. As her eyes sparkles with excited and she was speechless to say words.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...