I am done! I am finally done! This short story is heck a long!!! But it was totally worth it!! It was hard to give them superheroe's name... This is a AU special for having 20 followers! And this Au special requested by Lilyeclipse93 and Beyburstfan11. And the song you can just play randomly or plays there's a fight scene going on?... Hope you enjoy the AU special!!!
Aww... What a peaceful day at the Beya City...
Oh no, the Beya's bank is being rob!!
Three bad guys came out of the bank from the black foggy smoke. The one who's robbing the bank are,
Not other then, Phoenix and his crew. Kurt and Scott and everybody calls them the Hunter Killers!
They make a lot of crimes when they first came here, they were bad news to everyone in the city.
Hunter Killers love breaking the hearts of people who has happen of following they're dreams or getting themselves back up again.
They love breaking everyone's spirit and treat them as they're slaves.
"Hahahaha! Come on boys, it's time to go before the cops comes!" Said Phoenix ready to escape with the bag of money on there hands.
The Hunter Killers run for they're escape, but got block by a fire wall.
"You think it's easy to escape a crime you made with out saying good bye! How rude!..~"
"Now you will face the consequences! Hunter Killers!"
They turn around and saw the town's heroes!
The Roaring Dragon and the Black Firing Warrior!
(Wakiya and Rantaro)"Gaaah! It's those Evolution Defenders guys again!? What should we do boss!" Said Kurt.
"You know what to do!" Phoenix smirk to give them the message. They got the message and ready to attack them with they're dirty tricks on there sleeves.
They fought and the Hunter Killers we're ready to use they're dirty unfair attack trick they were gotta pull for the both of them.
Phoenix gave out the signal, but nothing happen.
He gave the signal again but still nothing?...
The two guys couldn't move or even control themselves. A strap of strings got Phoenix off guard. Phoenix got caught by the Puppet Mater!
(Ken)Phoenix wasn't getting himself trap that easily. He cuts the Puppet Master's strings and landed to the ground. That was a mistake, someone shot shadow blades at him and now he has nowhere to get out.
The one who shoted the shadow blades also made chain for the Hunter Killers gang to not try to escape or make anymore mishaps.
And they calls him the Skull Reaper.
(Daigo)"Yes, I got everything from the fight! Now all I need is "the heroes save the day once again" picture and I'm all done! But I always mess up that part, every time the Evolution Defenders finishes the fight. I try to take there picture on the newspapers, but all of my workers beat me to it.... But not this time! I'm going to take that picture and be the best reporter I can be!" Said Valt to himself.
The police department were here and arrest the Hunter Killers, they're going to jail for all the crimes they cause for the past few years.
The Evolution Defenders did a great job saving the day!
All of the reporters gather the Evolution Defenders to take pictures and ask questions. Valt tries to take a picture of them but some of the reporters push him back and some of them are blocking the shots.
Valt couldn't get a clear shot of them. But it was to late the Evolution Defenders left already, so did the reporters.
*Sign* ".......A another day, a another uncompleted photo...." *sign* Valt sign. He tries so hard to get that picture of them saving the day but he still can't get that shot. Valt went back to where he works and transfer the photos he has taken for the daily newspapers.
*pant pant* *pant pant* "Finally here! WBBA studio industries!" Valt walks in and getting to his office to sends his photos to the new newspapers.
Valt loves being a reporter, it takes a lot to hold in of all the daily basic every day. Valt has his determination and curiosity that got him to work here. And he has a lot of energy for a kid of his age. He doesn't even drink coffee and still have a lot of energy, the workers question how much energy those Valt has!?
All of the workers are gossiping something.
It sound like someone special is coming to there apartment studio about the heroes of there town.
Valt question who's coming and why he/she so important? Valt got to his office, his office was a little to big but was okay with that. He has a computer, locker files, a plant, papers, films, and his trusty camera. Valt got into his computer and downloading his photos he has taken early.
"Have you heard that Mysterious Writer is coming to our apartment, to ask questions about our heroes!"
"Huh? Mysterious Writer?" Question Valt. He look up to see to guys next to the water dispenser.
"I know! No one knows who's that person is! This person doesn't show their face or gender. It's kinda mysterious if you ask me."
"Hey! Maybe if we're lucky we'll meet that person!"
"Alright!" They both high five and got back to work.
"The Mysterious Writer?...." Valt seat back down and question who is the Mysterious Writer? He was very curious and determined to find out who is the Mysterious Writer.
Valt was focus on his work and knowing who is the Mysterious Writer.
"Ahh! Woow!!!" Valt got startled and fell back of his wheeling office chair.
"Woops......forgot you get startled easily when your focus...Ahem! But that is not the point!!"
"Hehehe.....What is it that you need me, Boss?"
That men who's wearing a brown office suit was Valt's Boss. Midnight Knight Nova, his a serious Boss and doesn't like sloppy and bad work. That some of the workers are afraid of him, of his serious tone of angry and has a three line scars on his face. But Midnight was a kindhearted men, that when he meet Valt. He never seen a boy that energetic, determined, and curious before. And Valt wasn't afraid of him or his scars and looks. Valt likes him and kept asking him questions over and over again till Midnight ask him if he likes to work for him as a reporter. And Valt said yes on that offer.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...