Happy Birthday 2 🎀 (Free x Valt)

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11/11/18 It's Free birthday! Yeah...~

It was the night and Free was in his room sleeping like a bonehead.
"Zzzzz...... Zzzzzz...... Zzzzzz....... Zzzzzz........" Free laying from his back side and drool on the bed a little.


Someone knocks on Free's door loud and violently.
"Zzz-Uh What!?!" Free woke up violently from the banging sound from his door.
"Who's at my door at this hour?...." He gets out of bed and the time was 8:30. Free opens the door and saw a big warp birthday present.
"???.... What the?..." He was confused or seeing thing from being tired.
The gifted was warp with yellow and red ribbon.
"....... There's a gift from my door?...." Free looks around to see who left this. Then he dragged it in his room.
"It's not even my birthday yet but thank you." Free got his early birthday present from someone.
"I wonder what in it?" He ripe the warping paper and unite the ribbon and open the box.
"............................. I love this gift.~" Free smile seductively and drool with lust.
Inside the box was Valt.... Nude and warp/tied with long glitter pink ribbon and a bow with a heart button saying eat me.
Free licks his lips and having very very dirty thoughts.
"Hmm.... Hmmm?.... Hmmm.........." Valt gets up and rubs his eyes.
"Hi, Free...." *yawn* He yawned.
Free want to do it know. Soo badly!!!
"Why do I feel cold???...." Valt look down on himself and slowly blush and then panicked with a very flustered face.
"WHY I'M A NAKE WITH RIBBON ON ME!!!!!!??? HOW DID I GET IN THE BOX!!!!!?!?!?! WHO DID THIS!?!?!" Valt panicked and saying nonsense and can't stop till he gets some answers.
Free picks up Valt bridal style making Valt squeak in surprise. He drop Valt on his bed will Valt make a 'offf' sound.
"What was that for-" Valt got interpreted by Free because he pins Valt and was on top of him.
"F-Free, what are you doing!?!?!" Valt stuttered and blush madly.
"What?~ I'm just doing what the heart said.~" Free move his fingers and untie Valt's bow around his neck.
"E-eh!?!" Valt has swirls in his eyes and steam coming out of his hair.
Free kiss Valt's neck softly and then started bitting and licking.
"Ah-ahh-ahh!!!~" Valt started to moan and shivers.
Free untie Valt moves and message his body seductively.
"Ahhh!!!~ Aahhh!!!~ Ahhh!!!~" Valt moans louder and feeling the pleasure.
"My, my....~ You're very sensitive, ha.~" Free cooed seductively and pitching and rubs Valt's nipples.
"N-no, I'm not!!!~ S-s-shut up!!!~" Valt argued like a teenage school girl in her uniform going to school.

"Don't lie.~" Free cups Valt's cheeks making him have an innocent look. He leans and kiss Valt's lips softly than into hungrily. Valt shyly kiss back but weak. Free licks Valt's lips for access but Valt refuse to let him in. Free got impatient and bits Valt's lips hearing a gasp and that was his chance to slide in.
Valt gasp and moan through the kiss.
Free licks every corners in Valt's mouth leaving them unlicked. He than takes off Valt's headband and touching his boner.
"Ah!!~ F-Free!~" Valt moans and shivers like a school girl. Free touch the tip of Valt's boner.
"What ya look at that...~ Someone wet.~" Free smile seductively and licks Valt's wet boner.
"Ahh!!!~ Ah!!~ Ahh!!~ F-Free, p-please...." Valt begs as drool was drooling on his chin.
Free licks like a cat and now started putting his mouth on it as he sucks.
"Ahhh!!!!!~ Aaahhhh!!!!~" That made Valt over the edge and panted. His body feeling the nice hot pleasure that he cum quickly.
Free can feel the cum in his mouth and swallow it.
"Well, that was quick." Free licks his lips.
"But we can make more fun.~" Free said seductively as Valt was panting and in a horny shy pose.
"Now.......~" Free takes off his clothes and put his boner on Valt's face/lips.
"It's your turn.~" He smile seductively and sexy.
Valt shyly put Free's boner in his mouth and started sucking. Free moans softly and feeling the nice pleasure. It took 5 minutes to get that cum in Valt mouth.
"Hm!!!" Valt wants to spit it out but Free cover his mouth.
"Swallow it." Free demands it as Valt swallows it and panted weakly.
"You're getting tired on me now.~" Free stroke Valt's hair and kiss him on the lips again.
Valt kiss back but than feel something picking on his butt.
"F-Free- Hmm!!" Valt got interpreted by Free by kissing him deeper and went in Valt's body.
"Ahhh!!!!~ Ahhh!!!!~ F-Free!~ Ahhh!!!!~" Valt was a moaning mess and can't think straight.
Free thrusts faster and harder and hearing those lovely moans coming out of Valt's mouth.
"Free!!~ Ahhh!!!!~ Ahhh!!!!~" Valt feeling the strong pleasure through his body and wants more.
Free lay down on Valt's neck giving him love bites and big hickeys.
"Free!~" Valt hugs Free's neck as he moans and sweat. Free went into Valt and finally came in.
Valt panted and Free get out and smile.
"You're mine, my Valty kitty baby.~" Free kiss Va's cheek and whisper.
"I love you.~" He nibble on Valt's ear a little and lay down on bed holding Valt in his arms.
"I.... I love you too..~" Valt snuggles Free's body and fell asleep quickly like a baby or a kitty.
"Hm.~" Free strokes Valt's blue mess hair and gets the blanket and cover the both of them. It was already midnight and they really need to catch some Zzz.
"Hey, Free.........." Valt mumbles in his sleep.
"Yeah?.." Free replied.
"Happy birthday...." Valt mumble but he meant it.
"Thank you, Valt. This was the best gift ever.~" Free kiss Valt's forehead and lay his head on Valt's.
"Goodnight my love.~ And tomorrow..... You owe me a another around of fun, Valty.~" Free smile and said seductively and goes to sleep with Valt in his strong arms.
🎁🎊🎂Happy Birthday Free Del La Hoya!🎂🎊🎁

Next update..... Suou x FemAgia...

Happy Birthday Free Del La Hoya!!!!

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