Toddler Valt 🍼 (Red Eye/Shu x ToddlerValt)

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Speed: Ahh!!! Ahhh!!! Yes!!! I'm free!!! Take that comment pile!!!

Storm: Hope you enjoying reading this!~

Speed: ~Warning~ Be ready for some ultimate cuteness!!!.....

The Next Morning...

Valt was sleeping peaceful in bed. He was in a hotel with the others BC Sol members.
They're here for the Individual Tournament at... America!
*Knock Knock*
"Valt! Wake up!" Rantaro knock on the door.
"Zzzz......." Valt didn't response and was still sleeping.
"Valt?" Kit knock on the door and still no answer.
"Hold on, Kit. I got an idea!" Rantaro walks back a little.
"Ahhhhh!!!!!" He charges to the door. But Kit opens the door because it was unlocked.
"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" Then Rantaro fell on the floor and landed face first.
"Ow....." He groan in pain.
"Hehehe.... My bad..." Kit scratch his head and sweat drop.
Rantaro gets up and see Valt still sleeping in bed.
Valt was fully cover under the blanket covering his face and body.
"Come on, Valt! It's time to-" As Rantaro lift the blanket from Valt he pause as his eyes widened.
Same goes to Kit, they were shock what they're seeing.
Valt slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes.
"Hm?.... Oh, hey guys... How did you get so big?" Valt ask and his voice change a little. Like a cute puppy was born and trying to bark.
"Valt?..... Is that really you?..." Kit blinks and couldn't believe his eyes.
"Es?... What are you talking about?" Valt was very confuse.
"Will umm.... Ahem! You kinda what to see this...." Rantaro grabs a mirror and show it to Valt to see his reflection.
Valt look at himself and blinks.
"Ah!!?" He look at his hands and others.
Valt somehow... Turn into a toddler!?
"AHHHH!!!!" Valt started scream and so did Rantaro and Kit because they didn't believe it either.

1 Hour of Screaming Later...

"................ How did this happen?!!" Wakiya just look at Valt being so small.
"I don't know!!" Valt pouts and tears came up.
"You're so small!...." Cooza lifts Valt up and cuddle him.
"Coo Coo!! Stop!!" Valt waves his hands up and down and struggles.
"Awwww.... You call me Coo Coo, that's adorable.~" Cooza was cuddling him cheek to cheek.
"Cooza, put Valt down!" Wakiya demanded him.
"Hmm, fine!" Cooza put Valt down.
"Can you explain how this even happen to you, Valt?" Daigo ask bending down looking at Valt.
"I don't know!... I just woke up wike this!" Valt panic and don't know what to do.
"Valt, calm down..."
"Hmmm!!!...." Valt pouts and trying to calm down.
"What are we going to do with him?! He was already childish but now he'll be more childish!" Wakiya complains.
"Hey!!" Valt look at him and pouts more.
"Who do this to Valt? They must be- Oh..... Ooooh...." Cooza just realize how Valt turn into a toddler.
"What is it, Cooza?" Rantaro look at him and ask.
".........Clio...." Cooza narrow his eyebrows and feel fear crawling through his back.
"Clio? What about him?" Daigo look at him and question what his talking about.
"He must have turn Valt into a toddler!" Cooza points his finger up.
Everyone sweat drop with a bit of awkward silence.
"How did he do this!!!" Wakiya points at Valt.
"Because his a vampire! And knows potions and magic! So his the one who cause this!" Cooza explain his theory.
"His not a vampire!!!" Wakiya shout at him.
"Yes, his is!!!" Cooza shouts back.
"Like we're just gotta ask him if he turn Valt into a toddler!"
"I was being sarcastic!!!"
"To late we're already doing this!"
"Wait! What are we going to do with Valt?" Rantaro ask and look at Valt.
"Like one of us goes find Clio and the other babysit Valt....." Wakiya was being sassy.
Everyone look at each other and their was just silence in the room.
"1, 2, 3! Not it!!!" Wakiya shouts.
"NOT IT!!!" Everyone shouts.
"Not i- Dang it!" Kit didn't shout in time.
"You're babysitting Valt." Wakiya points at Kit.
"Why me! No offense, but why me!!!" Kit question why he has to babysit Valt.
"Because I say so! And you lost, so you babysit him." Wakiya was making a sassy point.
"Hmmmm....." Kit growled and flinch.
"So we go find, Clio will you take care of Valt." Daigo pets Valt's small head.
"Hmm.... Fine..." Kit grabs Valt and carry him.
"Ok, let's go hunt us a vampire!" Cooza points and lead the way.
"Cooza, for the last time! Oh, forget it!" Wakiya complains and follow Cooza. Same with Daigo and Rantaro, leaving Kit and Valt alone.
"So.... Now what?" Valt look at Kit and question what are do going to do.
"I have no idea what so ever?...." Kit sweat drop and why his in charge babysitting Valt.

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