I Hope you all enjoy young love.~ 😜
"Hmm......" Young Shu pouts and feels like crying.
"I look terrible and girly..... Now everyone is going to laugh and tease me.....Hmm...." Shu pull his hat on his head hiding his hair. He got to school wearing his hat that hiding his bad haircut.
"Hey, Shu!!!" Said a cheerful and childish voice.
"Hm?! O-oh... H-hey, Valt..." Shu wave his hand to his best friend Valt.
"Hi, Shu! Nice hat." Young Valt complement Shu's hat.
"Thanks.... Oh, Hey, Xander." Shu spotted Xander coming.
"Hey, Little Snowball. Nice hat." Xander grin and smile.
"Thanks..." Shu smile and tilts his head a little.
"Hehehe..... This is turning out good... As long as I keep this hat on, nobody will notice my bad haircut. Hehehe... What could possible go wrong?" Thought Shu as he smile and nothing bad happen yet.At Recess...
"Hey, look it's Red Eye Freak!" Said one of Shu's bullies.
"Oh, no...." Shu shiver and forgot about them.
Phoenix, Cody, and Mal. Shu's bullies and Phoenix like the head bully just like an alpha.
"Oh, look Freaky got a nice hat for hiding his ugly white hair!~" Mal smirk and smile.
"It will be a shame if someone take that nice hat away?... Ha!" Phoenix took his hat.
"Hey!? G-give it!!" Shu tries to get his hat back.
"Look at this! Hahahaha!!! Man, that is the funniest and terrible haircut I ever seen! Hahahaha!!!" Cody laughs and point. Everyone saw Shu's bad haircut and started laughing.
"Hmm......." Shu trying so hard not to cry.
"Awww..... Is the baby gotta cry? Wa wa wa. Hahahaha!!!!" Phoenix laughs and tease Shu's bad haircut.
"Leave him alone, Phoenix!" Xander place his hand on Shu's shoulder and being protective of his best friend.
"Oh, look it's Xander the fear." Phoenix cross his arm and smirk.
"I told you I'm not scary!" Xander pouts.
"And what are you going to do about? Scary me to death... Hahahahahaha!!!! Phoenix and the bullies laughs like jerks.
"No... But I will!..." Said a growling angry voice that was cracking his knuckles.
"........." The bullies zip their lips and turn their heads slowly and turn white as a ghost.
"Hi, Phoenix....💢💢💢✨" Valt smile innocently but it's was scary and mad and his eye gave spark.
"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! IT'S THE FURIOUS TEDDY!!!!!" They run and scream like little school girls.
"Yeah, you better run!!!" Valt kick a small rock and look serious and walk to Shu.
"Are you okay?! Did they hurt you?!!?" He hugged Shu protectively like a mama bear.
"Valt, I'm fine... Thank you..." Shu lightly push him away."So that's why you wearing that hat? Shu your haircut is fine." Said Xander giving him a nuggie.
"No, it doesn't! I look like a girl!" Shu pouts and tear up.
"But a pretty girl." Valt tries to cheer up Shu.
"Thanks, Valt but that's not making me feel any better." Shu feels more worst about his haircut.
The bell ring and it was time to head inside.
"Will recess is over... We better get back to class." Shu walk to the classroom and being laugh and tease on his haircut. Even if Xander and Valt save him from the teasing and laughing. But Shu still feels terrible and feels worse because tomorrow will be picture day and he going to look like that and everyone in school will remember this year till the end of school.
"See ya tomorrow, Shu!" Valt wave his hand for a good bye.
"Yeah....... Bye......" Shu lower his head and walk to his mom.
"Hmm...." Valt pout sadly for his best friend's bad day.
"How am I going to cheer up, Shu? Hmmmm.......???" He was thinking how to cheer up Shu but couldn't figure it out as he got home.
"Hmmmm............????" Valt was looking at something and was thinking about it.
"Hmmm........." He turn it on making a buzzing sound.*BUZZZZZZZ*
Valt shave half of his hair off.
"SWEETY NO!!!!!!" Valt's mom panicked and take away the shaver from her son.
"Ah, ah, we can fix this... Tomorrow you're wearing a hat, you hear me." She points at Valt's face.
"Ok...." Valt was fine with it.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...