Hey, guys thank you for being patient. Sorry if I'm not updating a lot sooner because of high school, life, and..... Exams. Yeah........
But thank for people who understand and other who are supported thank you so much.
Here is the (Shu x PuppyValt) requested by hrishika1234. Hope you guys like the story.~
Let get in there should we...~It was raining lightly outside as everyone was walking home or work with their umbrella protecting themselves from the rain and staying dry. As Shu was training in the bey stadium from the park that he always training.
"Let!...................... RIP!!!........" Shu launch his bey into the stadium perfectly as it spins.
"Bark, bark!"
Then he heard small rubber duck barking.
Shu turns around and see a small blue fluffy ball puppy barking at him adorably.
"Bark, bark! huff, Bark! Huff."
The blue fluff ball was wet but full of energy as he was bouncing and walking back and forth barking at Shu adorably.
"Hey, there...... What are you doing here, are you lost?" Shu picks him up and the puppy was light and fluffy.
"Bark, bark!"
The puppy struggles and trying to bite Shu's hands, wrists, or arms because that what puppies always do to you.
"Hey, no!... Stop it!.." Shu holds the puppy's nose to make him stop.
*Whimper* *whimper* *whimper*
The blue fluffy puppy started to whimper and scratching Shu's fingers with his tiny claws.
Shu lets go and gave a look at the puppy like he always do to Valt when he do something stupid.
"Bark! Woof! Huff, huff, bark!"
The puppy barks adorably and stick his tongue of joy.
"......... Cute......." Shu thought from the inside seeing the most adorable puppy of his life. Than snap back to reality and check if this puppy had a collar.
"Well, you don't have a collar and it's starting to rain heavier... You should stay in my place, how does that sound?" Shu asked the puppy.
"Bark bark! Huff, huff... Bark, bark, bark!!" The puppy barks in joy as it wags it tail.
"I take that as a yes." Shu carry the puppy and walk home with his umbrella and his stuff.Later...
Shu got into his apartment quickly because the rain got wild and windy. As he was half soaking wet and so is the puppy but was like barking in joy and having fun. The blue fluff ball was now a flat long hair noodle. Shu put the puppy down but that was a mistake because the puppy was shaking it wet fur and spraying around Shu's apartment.
"Ahh!....." Shu got dog water on him.
"Huff, huff, huff, huff, bark!..." The puppy's fur puff and he was now a big fur ball and walk into Shu's apartment and looking around.
"Hey no, come back here!..." Shu takes off his shoes and wears his home shoes and get the wet puppy before the puppy makes a mess. He carry the puppy and the puppy struggles.
"Bark, bark! Huff, huff, bark!" The puppy wags his four feet adorably.
"Hold on, don't struggles I don't want a mess on the floor." Shu gets a towel and dry the puppy and the puppy was now more fluffy.
"Hmm.... What should I call you?" Shu was thinking of what to name this puppy."Bark, bark! Huff, huff, bark!..." The puppy barks and play with the towel like a rug doll.
"Hmm.... You remind me of Valt.... Hmm."
"Bark, bark! Huff, bark, bark! Grrrr!..." The puppy tug war with the towel because Shu was trying not to get the towel ruin by the puppy bitting and ripping it.
"Hmmm..... Valt." Shu said to the puppy.
"Bark!" The puppy bark and smile as it wags his tail.
"Valt.... Sit." Shu demands nicely.
"Bark! Huff, huff..." The puppy sits down and wags it tail more.
"Roll over." Shu twirl his finger.
"Bark!" The puppy roll over.
"Give me five." Shu gave his hand to the puppy.
The puppy twitch his paw a little and gave Shu a high five.
"Good boy.~" Shu pets Valt's ear and his tail wags more with joy.
"Bark! Huff, huff..." Valt gets closer and licks Shu's face.
"No, no, stop, stop, t-that tickles. Hehe.~" Shu chuckles and trying to make Valt stop licking him.
"Hmm....." Valt lay down and his stomach growls because he was hungry.
"Ya, hungry boy." Shu rubs Valt's ear and his reply was a bark and a small growl.
"You're hungry.~ I go make something for you to eat that is dog editable.
"Bark!" Valt bark and get up as he get on the couch and lay down and roll around the softness.
Shu check on the internet to make dog food and starts making it.
Valt was just cuddling on the couch like a nice bed or blanket. Then he starts sniffing something delicious to his small doggy nose.
Shu was done making the dog food and starts putting it in a bowl.
"Bark, bark, bark! Huff, huff, huff, bark, bark!" Valt starts running up to Shu and jump on him so he can get the food.
"Wow, wow! Down boy, down, down..." Shu demands it and trying to make Valt behave.
Valt sits down and put his paws up and wags it tails waiting for the food to come.
Shu put the bowl down and Valt starts eating it with no hesitation and wildly.
"Wow, you were hungry. You're almost down to the bowl's center." Shu gave Valt some seconds but a bit bigger because that little puppy is eating it like a machine.
"I should make my own.... And maybe take a bath, I smell like dog water." Shu thought as he walk back in the kitchen and make his famous spaghetti.
"Bark!~" *lick* *lick* Valt was licking the left overs in the bowl and was in the bowl. He was every fluff but he was small and he fits in the bowl like a bed.
*Sniff* *sniff* "Bark! Bark! Bark!" Valt sniff something amazing and run out of the bowl and right next to Shu as he jump and trying to get Shu's spaghetti.
"No, dogs can't eat this. It's not healthy." Shu put his spaghetti higher so Valt can't get it.
"Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!" Valt jumps higher and higher like a bounce ball. Shu trying to protect his spaghetti from Valt.
"Look, a rubber ball!" Shu points and Valt quickly turns around barking as he wobbles(run) to find the rubber ball.
Valt was wobbling around with his chubby tommy trying to find the rubber ball so he can play with it.
"I can't believe that work...." Shu sweat drop and put the spaghetti on the table and starts eating and watch Valt wobbling around trying to find the rubber ball.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...