I ship them a little don't judge me....
It was so hot outside that you can cook outside from the burning sun.
Suou was at home being hot on the floor.
"Grrr!!!! Why is it damn hot today!!!" He growls and complains as he lay his face on the floor again.
For a flower like him... The flower loves getting the sunlight so it can grow but to much will make it burn like a crispy chicken. But also needs water but Suou is too hot to get some.
"Sooo..... Hoooot......" Suou was sweating and burning. It was his fault for wearing boots and a coat on this hot day.
"Gaaaaahhhh.........." He hates this so much.
"F**k you sun!" Suou gives a middle finger to the sun. Then the sun got hotter because of Suou rude attitude.
"Gaaaahhhh.........." He was a hot potato.
Toko came in Suou's house with a watermelon and see Suou hot and sweating on the floor.
"Umm.... Are you alright?...." Toko put the watermelon away.
"One... How did you get into my house and two.... DO I LOOK ALRIGHT TO YOU!!!!" Suou glare at him with angry looked. Toko flinch in fear and was just asking.
"I'm so hot....." Suou whines of the heat.
"You want a watermelon too help you cool down?" Took ask. Suou looked at him.
"Fine.... I got nothing better to do..." Suou wants a piece of watermelon.
"Ok..." Toko smile a little.Later...
Suou wasn't wearing his coat and boots.
He was just wearing a white top.
Toko wasn't wearing his shoes and his usual sweater he was just wearing a black top/shirt.
And Toko was just cutting the watermelon.
Suou was still hot and groaning from the heat.
Toko was carrying a plate of slices of watermelon and just see Suou suffering in the heat.
Toko sign and get a bucket and full it with water.
As he bring it back and lay it on ground next to the floor that kinda has a edge. Then he has to drag Suou to go outside.
Suou was like leave me alone you pathetic weed....
Toko finally got him outside and go back inside to get the watermelon.
Suou see the bucket of water and put his feet in their. He sign of relief and relaxation, Suou like this.
Like a flower smelling nice and fresh from growing from the ground.
"Here...." Toko gave him a slice of watermelon.
"Um... Thanks....." Suou takes his offer and hold the watermelon. Toko has his watermelon and took a bite and chew it. Their some extra watermelon on the plate on the middle of them were they're sitting.
Suou looked at Toko and back to the watermelon. He took a bite and taste not bad in his mouth.
"Hmm.... Not bad...." Suou thought as he took another bite but he was still hot.
"Gaaahhh....... It still hot..." He groan and sweaty.
"Hehe...." Toko chuckle with a smile and a sweat drop on his cheek.
Suou glare at him for making fun of him of the heat of the sun.
"Ahem!...." Toko stop chuckling and looked away a little bit of fear.
Suou was like that right pathetic weed be afraid.... Be very afraid.
Toko just eat his watermelon same with Suou.
They didn't t say a word justbmaking a awkward silent.
A very awkward silent that you can hear the tree rustling from the wind.
They just eat their watermelon and didn't make the first move to make a conversation with a enemy or awkward friends..... Awkward frenemy.
Their was some black seeds on Toko's cheek.
Suou notice and scoot closer to Toko.
Toko turns his head and face Suou. Their face were very close with each other.
Suou lean, Toko flinch and made a face and trying not to blush.
Suou lean closer and closer and closer...
Toko shivers and close his eyes shut. Suou wipes the seed off og Toko's cheek and just continue eating his watermelon.
Toko blinks of confusion and slowly blush and made a flustered face. He thought Suou will do.... Will something bad or worse.
"What are you looking at!...." Suou glare at him and just want to eat his watermelon in peace.
"N-Nothing!!" Toko stuttered and his voice crack when he turn his head and look away.
He feels embarrassed and weird at the same time but more embarrassed.
Suou just blinks of confusion but got the idea and get close to Toko and move his head making him looked at him eye to eye.
Toko was confused of what Suou is going to do next. Was their another seed on his cheek again.
Suou lift Toko's chin up with his thumb and smoothly touch Toko's lips.
Toko flinch of confusion and his cheeks heat up making him blush. Suou smirk and smile and loves Toko's cute reaction.
Toko made a face and look away not making eye contact with Suou.
Suou frowns angrily and pouts a little. Then he just lean to Toko.
Toko looks back at him and has a blush line.
Suou brush Toko's lips with his just to tease him.
Tiki blush madly and can't escape from this.
Suou smirk brushing his lips on Toko's over and over seeing Toko's flustered confuse face.
"Ok.... That enough playing around. Let get into business.~" Suou thought as he stop brushing Toko's lips and playing around as he lay his lips on Toko's and started kissing him.
"Hmm!!!!!!" Toko flinch and shivers as his eyes widened in shock. Suou was kissing him on the lips. ON THE FREAKING LIPS!!!!
Suou not stopping and licks Toko's lips to make him open his mouth. Toko open his mouth because he was afraid if he didn't Suou might hurt him.
Suou licks every corners of Toko's mouth untouched. He started to French kiss Toko making the kiss deeper.
Toko shivers and blush as he kiss back.
Suou broke the kiss leaving a trail of salvia. He cups Toko's cheeks and made a lover(yandere) face.
"You're my watermelon queen.~" Suou kiss Toko's cheek and licks it. Toko blush and shivers and also made a face. His heart won't stop beating so fast.
Was he........ Was he starting to like Suou. Like like him like him?....
"Y-you're my watermelon k-king......" Toko strutted and blush. Suou smirk and kiss Toko's forehead.
"And don't you forget that....~" He lay on his forehead and Toko blush a lot and made a innocent face.
Suou had a beautiful dream..... And WATERMELON was the thing.~What do you think?
This is the first time doing this with Suou x Toko.
Sorry if it's terrible or good I don't know...

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...