Hey... So let me explain after you're done reading because it's a long explanation...
*Pant* *pant* *pant* *Pant* *Pant* *pant* *pant*
"BARK!!!! BARK!! BARK!! BARK!!! BARK!!!! BARK!!"
In the forest there was a small boy wearing an old potato sack dress as an outfit, wearing five shackles with some short broken chain to the end. They were on his wrists, ankles, and neck. He was also wearing a cloak so no one could recognize him. Why?...
Because he was running away from the bad people who are called and known as Slave Trade.
Slavery is a condition in which people are owned or completely controlled by other people. Buying and selling slaves is a trade as old as many of the oldest civilizations. A modern form of the slave trade is called human trafficking.
"DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!!! HIS THE PRIZE THAT WILL MAKE US RICH!!!" One of the Slave Trade screams out not wanting a prize possession to get away and lose his chance to be sticking rich.
*Pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* "Ahh!" *pant* *pant* The slave tripped a little but still continue running he doesn't want to get caught or go back there. The guard dogs were chasing the slave like he's the squirrel they must chase. He keeps running and running as he was passing through some bushes and tree branches and than...
He was trap on a cliff and down that cliff was a river drifting the water to a direction that lead to anywhere.
"GRRRR!!!!!" The dogs catch up to him and corner the slave so he won't have any where to escape.
".........." The slave was shivering in fear as he walk back and almost too close to the edge of the cliff.
"Hehehe.... You though you'll escape that easily." The male slave seller chuckles evilly seeing his slave cornered like a rat.
"..........." The slave takes one step but stop because he almost fell off.
"Now... Be a good little slave and hold still while I give you your special medicine." The seller walk up to him slowly and take out a special drug shot. This drug will make you weak and on heat.
The small boy has two choices, fell off the cliff or be taken away and be sale by a stranger.
"........." He take a deep breath and jump off the cliff.
"NOOO!!!!!" The seller run up to to catch him but he mess his chance as the slave falls into the water.
"Damn it! That son of a b**ch!.." The seller was pissed off and lost his prize possession to make him sticking rich from the auction. He walks away swearing and pissed off as his dogs follows him.
Down the cliff the boy pop his head from the water coughing and gagging. Good thing this river was feet level if it was too big with strong currents the boy could of die and also drowning to death because he can't swim. He gets out of the water and keep running through the forest as far as he can so that bad man won't find him.Somewhere...
A male with white sliver hair was shooting arrows at placed targets. He was sharpening his archery skills and keep shooting right on the bullseye. He took out his tenth arrow and aim properly as he has his eyes on the target.
"...." The male lets go and shoot his arrow and mess the target. He mess but...
He hits something...
The slave from earlier got shot by an arrow that just came out of nowhere. He hits his side and made a big wound.
"Ga-"*Cough* He cough off blood and falls to the ground letting his blood leaks down through the ground. His vision was getting fuzzy and hazy as he was breathing heavily from the extreme pain his feelings on his side. The slave turn his head little seeing someone running up to him and he knows this is the end. He close his eyes and let death take him.
.............................................................................................." ............. Mmm..... " The slave slowly open his teary eyes, he sits up groaning a little.
"Hmm........" He touch his aching head.
"Where am I?" The slave looks around and see he was in a nice fancy royal room. He looks down and being on a nice comfy bed and look at his hands.
"My shackles?..." The slave touch his free wrist than he feel a huge pain on his side.
"Oww!..." He hissed and whine in pain and hold his side.
"Don't move so much. Let me see your wound." The male with white sliver hair see that the small boy finally awake and walk up to him. The slave flinch in fear and panic as he quickly cover himself with the bed sheet for protection and hide from the strange.
"Don't hide." The white sliver hair male flinch little and was next to the bed. The boy was scared and frighten like a spooked puppy.
"Is your side starting to hurt, let me see." Shu grab the blanket to uncover the slave. But the slave hold it tightly like he doesn't want to get out of bed. They were playing tugged a war and white sliver hair male got the blanket away from the slave.
"If you move around like that your wound is going to open again." The male was serious and look at him angry.
"Uh!.." He flinch and look at the small slave.
The slave was frighten as he was shaking like crazy. He was curl up like a ball as he has tears in his tightly shut eyes. The white sliver hair sit beside the bed and slowly lay his hand on the slave's head and lightly stroke it with kind and comforting touch.
"Uh??" Valt flinch and turn his head to see the tall mall stroking his head. He stop shivering and made a scared pouty face.
"Is your side still hurts?" The male ask as he still stroking his head. The slave looks away and slowly nod. The sliver hair male slide his hand to the slave's side to cheek his wound.
"Hm..." The slave flinch and feels frighten and attack.
"It alright I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly and kind to the slave as he rub his side smoothly.
The slave clam down but still don't trust him. The white sliver hair male unwrap the slave's bandages and check on the stitched wound.
"It's not deep and the stitches aren't open either. Let me put some cream so the aching will stop." He gets the medical cream and rubs it around the slave's wound. The slave shivers and tear up feeling the burn on his skin.
"The burning is normal it just healing your wound." The male finish rubbing the cream and warp fresh bandages on the slave's wound. After he was done the slave cover himself like embarrassed girl that was naked.
"What?.." The male was puzzled at the slave's expression. The slave pouts and still has tears in his eyes. The male sits beside him and the slave move back like a frighten kitten.
"It okay... Your safe now, Valt." The male said making the slave jolts up and panic a little trying to use the pillow as a weapon.
"Your questioning how I got your name? Well, this shackle collar has your name on it." The male gets the broke shackles pieces having the slave's name on it.
Valt touch his neck feeling free on his wind pipe.
"......." He started to cry and never felt free from those cursed shackles. The white sliver hair male wipe his tears away, Valt scoot up to him and lay on his lap. The male look at him than stroke his head.
"......Zzz.. Zzzzz..." Valt was exhausted from the stress and anxiety also running he can finally can rest peacefully.
"Heh.. By the way my name is Shu." Shu chuckles a little and stroke the smol bean's head.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...