Sorry for the long wait you guys. It been a long time writing superhero AU so I hope you like it. I hope guys enjoy this.
"Zzzz... *snore* Zzzzz.... *snore* Zzzz...." Valt fell asleep on his laptop again.
"Valt, I told you to stop doing an all nighter." Shu carries Valt to bed and cover him with a blanket.
"But... Work.... Zzzzz.... *snore* Zzzzz....." Valt cuddle in the blanket feeling warm and cozy.
"I know, but you need sleep too." Shu strokes his hair and kiss him on the forehead as he finish his work of being a reporter. Being a super hero and reporter is hard work for Shu, he can't do the same things in the same times.
"Zzzzz...... *snore* Zzzz...... *snore* Zzzzz......" Valt sleep on bed like a baby.
*Sign* "......Hm.~" Shu sign of exhausted and stretch as he went to bed with Valt in his arms.The Next Morning...
"Zzz... *snore* Zzzz...."
"Valt..." Shu whimper.
"Zzzz.... *snore* Zzzz...."
"Hm... Five more minutes...." Valt mumbles.
"It time to wake up."
"I made breakfast."
"Breakfast!" Valt sits up quickly and want breakfast that made by Shu.
"I made pancakes." Shu point at a table with a plate of pancakes.
"Pancakes!~" Valt cheered and go eat pancakes.
Shu sits down and eat his breakfast with Valt.
Valt and Shu now live together in Valt's messy small apartment. Now with Shu it's a small clean apartment with two best friend who work as a reporter and a super hero. The time is 6:30 and work starts 8:35.
They finished their breakfast and starts walking to work.
"Did you had time to finish all your work even tho, will you know." Valt doesn't want to say it to people who are passing by.
"I did, fighting bad guys are hard but a bit easier on work if you're the one who help stopping the crime and someone helping with the pictures." Shu explains his strength and weaknesses to still have a job when you're a super hero saving the world.
"How the guys doing with you?" Valt asked talking about his friends know as the Evolution Defenders.
Shu doesn't know what Valt know that the Evolution Defenders are Ranatro, Wakiya, Ken, and Daigo in the team of heroes.
"They're pretty okay.... At least I wish some will stop acting like children." Shu was like why can't does two grow up.
"Hehehe...~" Valt giggled he was getting his co workers their coffee.
"Here yours Shu." He smiles and hands Shu his coffee.
"Thank you." Shu smile back and got his delicious coffee from Valt.
The crime alarm rang the reporters were ready for this they got their cameras, notepads, and coats as they run out of the building and get some juicy reports.
"I start reporting." Valt put on his reporter hat.
"I go save the world." Shu do the thing when super heroes going to save the day like Superman or Spiderman.
They go on there different ways to save the world and be a great reporter.*BOOM*
A tall build was exploded from the top middle of it center started a fire from the inside with millions of people running for their lives and getting trap by the firing explosion.
Police and Firefighter were helping people get out of the firing building, not let anyone get close to the danger zone, and putting out the fire. A helicopter was flying by and getting the news of what's happening in the tall fired building.
*Pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* "Just in time before the guys gets here." Valt looks at the firing building and didn't see the Evolution Defenders yet so he can get some good shots.
"Better get a shot of the building." Valt point his camera and trying to get a good view and angle on the building but than saw something from the sky.
"Huh?... What this??" He question trying to make it out what it is through the camera leds. Valt sees wings and a tail.
"What is that?..." He thought was it a new villain just like Doominator. Or something came out from a different dimension or time period.
Finally the Evolution Defenders are here.
Roaring Dragon, Black Firing Warrior, Puppet Master, Skull Repear, and Scar Scarlett. All here to save the day. Roaring Dragon and Black Firing Warrior handling with the fire, Puppet Master was handling on the some parts that was trapping people in the flames and building, Skull Repear and Scar Scarlett were helping people getting out of the building quickly. It was hard to see the heroes in the building with fire and dark fog inside and out.
"That everyone." Skull Repear said.
"There nobody inside the building trap or lost we're all good to put down the fire." Puppet Master said with the building clear and getting that fire out.
"Roaring Dragon, Black Firing Warrior, this is up to you to take down the fire, you got that." Scar Scarlett said sounding like don't mess it up if you start fighting.
"On it!" They both said.
They control fire to burn or attack maybe they can absorbed the flame and get like a power boost.
But....... They just made it worse. Roaring Dragon and Black Firing Warrior can make fire out of them not absorbed them. Now this building has more fire and crashing down.
Roaring Dragon and Black Firing Warrior were falling because their absorbing the fire made another explosion and they're falling for their doom.
"I got you!" Puppet Master use his strings like weds to save Roaring Dragon and Black Firing Warrior from their fall.
"Now the fire is getting worse at every second." Skull Repear said looking at the building burning and crashing down. But than a giant gust of wind came out of nowhere like a strong tornado was coming.
The Evolution Defenders, Reporters, and others who at the scene of the crime of this building being destroy. The giant gust of wind blow out all the flames in the building stopping the fire to separate more.
"Where did that wind come from?" Valt question it can't be the Evolution Defenders they make dramatic wind not actually control one to stop a burning building.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...