One Side Love 💔 (Fubuki x HeartbrokenAgia)

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Hey guys, Sorry for the long update. I couldn't finish because I have a lot of requests, forgetting the requests, writers block, people interrupting my wrong, seeing my work and I don't want them to see, and life.
I tried to make it sad and romantic.
But I can't tell if I did or not? So here it is...
How you enjoy.~

One Side Love 💔 is a competition made from user04350686, if you see the cover (amazing art) and I got a request from it so I hope you'll enjoy and love this ship for all the Fubuki x Agia shippers out there.~ 💝👍

Now into the story... But just a heads up get some tissues if you feel like crying through the story while reading. Hehehe, thanks.~

Agia was whistling minding his own business walking around the park.
"This place those have a nice park." Agia thought as he looks around. Then a far distance Agia saw something yellow.
"Hmm???...... Yellow???....... Banana??.... Hmmm.....???" Agia was thinking what else is yellow. It can't be a banana, it has hair and a little light.
"Uh! Fubuki...~" Agia got a light ball and put his fist on his hand. The one person he knows who has yellow hair is Fubuki.......... Or Ranjiro.
But this is definitely Fubuki, because Fubuki doesn't have long straight up hair. His is more like straight down and spikey. Kinda like a shape of bananas.
Agia walks up sneaky like so he can scare Fubuki. He was curious if he can scare him or Fubuki will scream like a little girl.
"Hehehehe....~ His face well be soooo priceless!~" Agia giggled and smirk evilly like a treasure cat smile. He got close to a tree in front of him seeing a glims of Fubuki's hair.
"Hey Fub-" *gasp* Agia's eyes widened, it wasn't of fear it was eyes widened of hurt and sadness.
He see Suou and Fubuki kissing each other on the lips. Fubuki was pinned on the tree while Suou makes the first move.
They were kissing passionately or French like.
But that what Agia thinks which one it is and he think it might be both. But his heart still hurts for no reason what so ever. Agia took a step to see a little closer but step on a stick making a sound giving himself away.


Suou and Fubuki heard the snapping of a stick and turn their heads to see where that noise came from.
Agia turns around quickly and hides behind the tree were he saw them kissing and stay quite.
His heart aches every beats that his heart makes.
"What is this feeling?... And why does it hurt so much?!..." Agia thoughts and doesn't know he has a aching broken heart. He lay his hand on his right side of his chest and tight it tightly feel the aching burns in his heart.
"Why did I suddenly became sad for no reason at all...." Agia thought more and feel so sad and questioning himself why is he acting like this.
Suou and Fubuki walked up slowly were Agia was hiding.
"I-I better go before they find me!..." Agia climb up on the tree next to behind him and got on top on the branch and leaves so he can't be seen and jump up to others tree like Naruto.
Then Agia landed on a old branch and fell and landed on pile of flowers.
"Ow..... But good think the flowers broke my fall." Agia sits up and has flower petals on his hair.
"I fell off that stupid branch but........ Why does my heart still aching?..." Agia tighten his shirt wanting this feeling to go away.
"I'm tired...... I better go back to my tent...." Agia gets up and fix himself but forget that he has flowers petals on his hair. He walks out of the pile of flowers and starts walking out of the park and heading to his tent.
Agia lay himself on his sleeping bag and being gloomy.
"................" He still feelimg this hurt aching pain in his heart. Why is he feeling this pain?
"Don't cry! I don't cry! I won't let this feeling make me cry! Even if it hurts me!" Agia was being stubborn and tough so he won't cry like a crybaby.
"Graahh! I'm going to bed!" He lay back down on his sleeping bag. Even tho it's still day time.
"I don't freaking care if it's day time, I'm going to sleep!" Agia force himself to go to sleep.

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