(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...)
I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two!
And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...
Hereitis... Itrymaking it short... ButIcan'thelpmyself!!!...
Red Eye was training with Spriggan Requiem at night, alone. He launch his bey perfectly on the bey stadium. "..........Hmm!......" Red Eye growled and narrow his eyebrows as he looked at Spriggan Requiem spinning at the stadium.
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"Hahahaha!... Shu!"
Valt's voice echo through Red Eye's head. He was thinking about Valt/his weakness and clinch his fist with rage and anger. "Grrr...." Red Eye growled and couldn't get Valt out of his head. "Meow.~" A black cat came out of nowhere and watch Red Eye's training by himself. Red Eye spotted the cat but just ignore it. It's just a cat their nothing else it can do to Red Eye. "Meow.~" It meow again and sits down as it was waging it's tail. Red Eye still ignoring the cat and continue training. "1.... 2... 3... Let it......RIP!!!" He launch and his bey landed. "Hahaha!! You'reawesome, Shu! Keepitup!" "Grrr!! Shut up....." Red Eye ignore the nice comment from his weakness. "Woah! Thewayyoudidthatblindlaunchwasamazing! Noonecouldn'tpullitoffbutyou!" "You're nothing but a weakness to me... Get out of my head you idiot...." He growled and launch his bey again. "Comeon, Shu! Justthisonceplease!!" "Just shut up!! Why do you care!!?" Red Eye shout anger and launch his bey again. "Hey, Shu....... Thanks..... Thankyouforbeingmyfriend... Mybestfriend.~" "GRRRAAAAHHHH!!!!!!! I WISH I NEVER MET YOU, YOU STUPID WEAKNESS OF A FRIEND!!!!" Red Eye yelled and wish that he never and he means NEVER ever met Valt in the begin. "Becarefulwhatyouwishfor.~" The black cat talk. Red Eye flinch and look at the cat. "You can talk!?" Red Eye was surprised of a talking cat. "Yep, andyourwishismycommand.~" The cat smile and a cloud of purple smoke came out of nowhere and surrounding Red Eye. *Cough cough* Red Eye cough and wave the smoke off of his face. *Cough Cough* "Ah!..." *cough cough* "...What? How did I get back here?! And why am I here!?!" Question Red Eye. He was back at his old apartment back home. But it was dark inside probably because it was still night time outside. "That's whatyouwishfor.~" Said a girlish devilish voice behind Red Eye. "Huh!?" Red Eye turn around high alter and see the black cat again. "You!!" He points. "Hello.~" She smile devilishly. "What did you do!" Red Eye yelled at a cat. "Nothing... Ijustgrantedyourwish.~" She wages her tail. "My..... Wish?" Question Red Eye. "Yes, youwishthatyounevermet... What'sthatperson'sname?... Ah, yes. Valt.~" She explain. "By bringing me back to my old apartment back home? That's not a wish you just teleport me here!" Red Eye argued and complains. "...DidI?~" She smile evilly as the sound of an alarm clock was on. Someone in the bed made his alarm stop buzzing and he got up and started to stretch and yawn. Red Eye never believes his eyes. "Is that.......... Me?" He ask and question. A boy with short white sliver hair that was alike of Red Eye's hair color. Same Eye color, skin color, and they just look so equal like twin. But this one wear different clothing. Shu wears his original black pants and shoes but he was wearing a red vest and a white long sleeves shirt. Shu gets out of bed and gets ready for school. "I look............ So different?" Red Eye looked at his himself. It's different because he looks like his old self before becoming Red Eye. "That'sbecausethistimelineyounevermetValt and justlookatyourtimelineself. Theirsomethingmissingformyou..." The black cat explains. "What about it? I look the same..." Red Eye don't see what that's cat talking about. "Youdon'thavethatscaronyourlefteye.~"