Ok, guys! Here's my first ever Red Eye x FemValt ever! But if everyone think it was lemon...
IT'S NOT LEMON!!!Wakiya: .......... *raise an eyebrow and looked at her*
Me: Ok, maybe a little... But that's not the point!
I hope you enjoy the new story!It was a lovely day to go to the beach.
BC Sol members were having a break on training. They deserve this time to chill and relax from their hard work battling in the tournaments and going to the top.
"Yes!! The beach, we're here!!" Val cheered happily seeing the beach. She was wearing a yellow dress with yellow design like light yellow on the bottom and a dark yellow that's shapes of three hearts on her top. She has white sandals and letting her hair down just this once, with out her hairband.
Feeling the shine sun warmth touching your skin. As the ocean was blue and a nice day to swim in.
Today they'll have fun.
The boys of the BC Sol members went swimming, take a spot on the beach, or play volleyball.
And the girls maybe changing, building sandcastle, or went swim.
Kit and Honey were building sandcastle, Rantaro was chilling and just giving himself a tan, Sisco was being Sisco with the ladies, and Cooza was having a fun time in the water with Carl.
"Ok, guys! We're done changing." Said Val cheerfully.
Shasa and Val were wearing their swimsuits.
Shasa was wearing a bikini skirt with pink and purple strips and the top is wavey and the bottom is a skirt with a star on the side.
Val was wearing a top and shorts swimsuit.
The top was blue and had a white star on the middle. And her shorts were black and light blue.
Now their ready to have a fun time at the beach!...Cooza, Val, and Carl were playing volleyball.
Shasa and Honey were in the water splashing each other.
Kit and Rantaro were getting hot dogs or ice cream to eat.
Sisco... Flittering with other girls in the beach.
"Ha!" Cooza hits the volleyball and pass it to Val.
"Ha!!" Val got it on time by doing a sand slide on the sandy ground. Cooza miss his chance to catch the volleyball and he miss. The volleyball bounce away parts of the beach.
"I got it!" Cooza runs up to get the volleyball back so he can beat Val in volleyball.
Cooza spotted the volleyball and picks it up. Then he saw a sign where he picks the volleyball.
"Huh? What's this?" Question Cooza looking at the sign.
"Hey, Cooza?! Did you find the volleyball?" Val ask as she runs up to Cooza. Carl flew to Cooza shoulder to see what's his seeing.
"What ya find?" Val ask.
"A contest flyer." Cooza replied looking at the flyer.
They read what was the contest flyer. It was a...
Bikini Contest!... The winner gets five millions dollars. But there's a rule. Only girl can enter the contest...because it's a Bikini Contest.
"A Bikini Contest? That's sound fun..." Val gave a small smile.
"Why don't you enter!" Cooza smile.
"What!? No...." Val refused to enter a Bikini Contest.
"Why not?" Question Cooza.
"..........." Val move her eyes having a flashback.Flashback...
"Cool! A Bikini Contest! I'm going to enter!" Val smile with excitement.
"NOPE!" Shu stopped Val from entering.
"Why not!?" Val pout.
"Because I said so..."
"...........Is it because I'm flat, isn't it?....."
"What!? No, no! It's not like that!" Shu didn't mean to insulted his best friend.
"Then why?!" Val was curious.
"Because........" Shu couldn't finish his sentence and blush starting to from on his cheeks.
"Don't go entering ok!!"
"Ok! Ok!...." Val agree to not enter a Bikini Contest.

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...