Yandere Psycho Love 🗡 (YanderShu x Valt)

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Here's the new one shot!~ Hope you enjoy!~
Sorry for the long wait, high school and stuff.

"Hm........ Hmmm......." Valt slowly opens his eyes and lift up his head his vision was a bit blurry but it looks like he's in someone home or apartment...
"Where am I???...... Why am I at Shu's apartment???" Valt was confuse and how did he get here. He started to get up to look around but can't because he was tied up on a black office chair and he wasn't tied up with rope, nope... It was a red ribbon that is wrapped up tightly.
"W-what!!!????!!!! Why am I tied up!?!?!?!" Valt struggles and panics.
Then their were some cooking noises in the kitchen.
"Uh?!" Valt heard and he was scared to death.
Fading steps was coming closer to were Valt is tied up. Valt shivers and sweat drop on his cheek in fear.
It was Shu holding a giant dumpling (I think it's a dumpling💦) on a plate and also holding soy sauce on the other hand. He was wearing his pink apron... Because he was cooking this giant dumpling.
"Oh, it just you Shu..." Valt sign in relief.
"Do you know how I got myself tied up?" He asked curiously.
"That's easy........... I did." Shu points to himself with this look on his face. 😑
"What!?!?!?!?!" Valt yelled and confused. Why did Shu tied him up, was their a reason. Is Shu mad at him at something.
"Why!?!?! What did I do!!?!?! Is it your hair!?!?" Valt panics.
"What??.... No?.... And what about my hair?" Shu raise an eyebrow and a bit confuse.
"..................... Nothing." Valt looks away and back to Shu and then gave him a nervous innocent smile.
"Ok...... I'm just going to ignore that......" Shu was leaving Valt off the hook for now.....
"But why am I tied up?..." Valt whined a little.
"Isn't this obvious....." Shu has a crazy look in his eyes.
"Shu?......." Valt notice and feels scares.
"I want you and only you Valt Aoi.~" Shu made a yandere look pose that sends Valt into shivers. He can feel his sins crawling on his back.
"S-Shu can we work this out?! Why are you acting like this!!!???" Valt panics and struggles from the tightly tied up ribbon on his wrists and ankles so he won't run away.
"Awww....~ Don't give me that look, Valty.~ You should be happy and cute.~" Shu cooed seductively with a purr.
"Why are you acting like this!!!????" Valt was creepy out.
"Come on! Let eat, sweety pie!~" Shu put the giant dumpling in front of Valt's face and holding the soy sauce like a insane yandere.
"Ahhh!!! Are you really serious!!!!" Valt panics and doesn't want to eat it. Even tho it's food but he still doesn't want to eat it.
"Come on....~" Shu whines a little.
"I made this especially for you.~" He hold the giant dumpling with his bare hand.
"BUT YOU'RE ACTING INS- HMM!!!!" Valt got shove by a dumpling in the mouth.
"It will be delicious.~ I, promise...~" Shu whisper seductively on Valt's ear as Valt was gagging from the giant dumpling.
"You'll love it, Senpia.~" Shu kept shoving that giant dumpling in Valt's mouth as Valt trying to chew and swallowing it. Shu was holding the asparagus and playing with it in Valt's mouth.
Valt was panting heavily and feeling the asparagus brushing through his mouth.
"Heheh....~ Look like someone enjoying this.~" Shu smile seductively/yandere and slide the asparagus down on Valt's tongue.
Valt blush and shivers a little. Then Shu put some soy sauce on the asparagus and play it on Valt's mouth.
Valt started gagging and some salvia and soy sauce was dripping down his chin.
"Aww....~ Look at you.~" Shu touch Valt's right cheek and lean closer to his face.
"You're a mess.~" He licks the salvia and soy sauce off on Valt's chin and lower lip.
Valt blush and shivers but then he started to feel dizzy.
"Oh, you look tired.~" Shu smile yandere and obsessive. He then lift Valt's chin up.
Valt's eyes were heavy on him and seeing a blurry Shu.
"You should get some rest...~ My little Valty kitten.~" Shu purrs and cuddles Valt's cheek with his. Valt started falling through darkness.


"Hmm?? What?" Valt sits up and rubs his head and eyes. Was that all a weird creepy dream. He was in Shu's room was he just taking a nap and forgot he was here?...
"It was just a dream.... What a relief." Valt sign in relief with a smile and gets up from bed.
"But why do I feel so breezy and free for some reason?" Valt was confuse and feels a small breeze through his body. Then he spotted a mirror in Shu's room and walk up to it to see his reflection and he was shock. Now he knows where that small breeze was coming from.
"Ah.... Ahh!!...... AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Valt screams and questioning to himself why is he wearing this, how is he wearing this.

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