Was it just a lie?...🌹 (Red Eye/Shu x Valt)

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.........You guys are going to hate me at the end of the story....... Hope you guys enjoy this story.....

DISAPPEAR FROM MY SIGHT.......................................
Disappear From My Sight...............................
Disappear from my sight................

"Shu.......why?......." Though Valt.
He was having a flashback of what happen from two days ago. Hearing the echo of Shu's angry voice and his glare of hatred.
Valt stay in bed in two days he was depress and not socializing with others at the BC Sol. He just laid there in sorrow and pain.
Rantaro and Kit look at Valt from the edge of the door. They're roommates and their worry about Valt.
"I never seen Valt like this?..." Said Kit.
"Me neither..... Guess his heart got smash in tiny little pieces of what happen in two days ago...." Said Rantaro.
"Hmmm.........Will he be ok?..." Question Kit.
"I don't know, Kit? Valt can recover from battling but from this.... I think he can't recover something like this, that easily...."
Kit nod.
*Knock Knock* "Hey? Can we come in?..." Rantaro ask.
Valt turn his head around and saw Rantaro and Kit staying by the door. He look away and just lay on his pillow with sad emotionless eyes.
"We brought ya some food for you, to eat... Though you might be hungry?..." Said Kit holding a plate of food. Valt didn't look or cares for Kit's offer.
Kit frown and put the plate of food on the table.
"Come on, Valt? You didn't eat in two days or getting out of bed." Said Rantaro making a good point.
"His right! Come on, let's do training! You love training with your bey.~" Kit tries making Valt to get out of his bed and starts training like he always do.
Valt look at them, Rantaro and Kit smile hope that Valt will get out of bed and be his usual happy energetic self.
Valt look away, he brought his covers and cover himself with it. Valt doesn't want to be bother, he just wants to be alone...
Rantaro and Kit frown and left the room.
"And he's still not snapping out from his state!..." Said Kit worry that Valt will be like this forever.
"I feel ya!" Rantaro reach out his phone and starts texting.
"Who are you texting?..." Kit ask.
"Wakiya and Daigo. We need help if we want Valt as himself again..." Rantaro look at Kit still holding his phone. Kit nod and they got a replied from one of them.

They have a plan to cheer Valt up and to be his happy energetic self. Wakiya and Daigo got here from Rantaro's text.
Rantaro show them where Valt is. But one question? How are they going to get Valt out of the room?...
They went inside without knocking first. Seeing cover up Valt.
"Valt! Come on! Get out of bed!" Wakiya demanded.
Valt didn't do what Wakiya wants him to do.
He took his cover from him and throws it to the ground. And then open the curtains it was dark in here.
Valt close his eyes seeing the bright light of the sun connecting into the room. He cover himself with a pillow not seeing the sun or making eye contact with others.
Then Wakiya throw his pillow across the room.
He look at Daigo and Rantaro, they have the same thought. What is he planning?
They came close to Valt's bed and different ends of the bed. Valt was confuse, what are they doing?
"Me and Daigo got the arms, you grab the legs." Said Wakiya planning their plan.
Valt title his head of confusion and got the answer of his confusion.
Wakiya and Daigo grabs different end of the arms and Rantaro grabs Valt's legs. Valt was heavy but they got him out of bed. But they were dragging him on the floor. Drag from bed now drag by the floor of the halls.
Cooza just watch them drag Valt from the floor. He  forgot what he was doing and got himself distracted seeing the guys dragging Valt from the floor.
"Hey, guys!" Cooza smile and raise his hand.
"Hey, Cooza!" They say hi and back to dragging Valt from the floor.
"For someone who haven't eaten for two days your heavy!" Wakiya complains. They drag Valt to the other side of the halls. Cooza just watch and heard an angry Sisco. Now he remembers, Cooza took Sisco's purple glasses when he was sleeping.
He starts running again and wearing Sisco's purple glasses.

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