Hey guys!~ Thank you for being patients with me and your great support. Hope you like my first lemon of Ranatro x Wakiya.~ Let begin shall we...~
Ranatro and Wakiya glared at each other with bandages on their faces and sitting down crisscross applesauce on Wakiya's bed in his fabulous rich mansion.
"Hhhhmmmm......... How did this happen?...." Wakiya glares at Ranatro's dumb face and questioned how did this turns into that.Earlier...
Wakiya and Ranatro were yelling like dogs that really REALLY hates each other. Daigo, Valt, and Shu were getting annoyed with this everyday of the months, days, and weeks. They argue at the park, rooftop, at school, after school, and etc.
Ranatro and Wakiya sound like an angry couple by yelling and glaring at each other. Then everything went into a angry rage between them and here we are. They're still questioning how they got into Wakiya's mansion because everything was a raging blur.Present...
Wakiya and Ranatro just glares at each other with stink eyes and giving mean comments in their head like insulting your face but without saying just glaring at that person to get the message.
"I don't like you..." Wakiya glares angrily as he growls.
"That the only thing we can agreed on..." Ranatro growls back.
As two minutes of silent pass Ranatro and Wakiya started ripping off the person's bandages to get that aching painful sting feeling like waxing your legs.
They both yelled in pain as they fell in different sides of the bed and touch their aching sting face.
They get up from their sides but stop as they glare with each other.
"This is getting nowhere." Ranatro complains and does have a good point. They can't stop this argument if they're just going to glare, yell, and hurt each other.
"Ya, think!" Wakiya was like 'oh, you finally got it now Sherlock' and was pissed off.
"Why do we argue a lot?" Ranatro asked annoyed because he's talking to Wakiya.
"Because we hate each other, that's why!" Wakiya was sassy and getting annoyed around Ranatro's stupidity.
"But why do we hate each other?" Ranatro actually had a good question. They hated each other because of the tournament when their weren't friends yet and Valt stuff. But after that they became friends that get to each others skins and get annoyed about it.
"Because-! Because.... Actually, I don't know either?... Why do we hate each other?" Wakiya was realising this now. Ranatro always get under his skin and get annoyed by him but that just normal friends will do. But this times it was different, they question why do we hate each other?...
"We just argue who's right or not that make us pissed off." Wakiya was spinning his hand to make a point with his plain expression.
"Hmm.... How about this we say seven things that we do like about each other and seven things we hate about each other." Ranatro has an idea and just say seven thing what you like and dislike this person.
"Really...... You're going with that?" Wakiya raise an eyebrow and that was the dumdest things that Ranatro ever say from that mouth of his."Well, do you got a better idea?" Ranatro pouts and raise an eyebrow seeing if Wakiya has an idea to solve this problem they have with each other.
"No.... Point taken but let specie some things a bit." Wakiya had a idea to species things up.
"Like what?" Ranatro raise an eyebrow and feels like it's a trap.
"I'm glad you asked.~" Wakiya said sassy and charming as he go gets his secret weapon.
"I knew it was a trap!" Ranatro was getting frustrated in his head. Wakiya brought a tiny chinese table seven small glass cups and a bottle of Pino Noir.
"What's that?" Ranatro points at the bottle that Wakiya was holding.
"Pino Noir~." Wakiya said the name of the drink in a fancy french person way. As he put the tiny glass cups on the chinese table in a line and fill it with Pino Noir.
"Ok, we drink seven Pino Noir saying the bad and the good thinks that we like and hate each other." Wakiya sits on his bed from the right side criss cross apple sauce.
"And are you sure this is safe." Ranatro raise an eyebrow and still feels like it's a trap and sits to the left side of the bed criss cross apple sauce.
"Yes, what will happen?..." Wakiya was being sassy and was like nothing going to happen.
"Ok, than." Ranatro was like 50/50% something bad is going to happen.
"Good, me first.~" Wakiya got to go first as he gets his first cup of Pino Noir as a sassy Princess.
"Wait, why do you go first!" Ranatro was complaining.
"My mansion, my rules!" Wakiya was like 'hah'.
"Hmm.......💢" Ranatro was a bit pissed but was fair on house's rules. Wakiya takes his first sip and said.
"You're freaking stupid!" He said his first dislike about Ranatro.
"💢...." Ranatro took his sip.
"You think your number one but you're actually not, goldilocks!" Ranatro points and growls.
"At least I have a brain, yours is a size of a dog!" Wakiya had his second cup.
"At least I don't look like a girl!!" Ranatro has his seconds too.
"What does that suppose to me!!" Wakiya was like excuse me and took his third cup.
"You dress like a delinquent everyday!" He was looking at Ranatro why he dress like that everyday.
"What does that suppose to me!!!" Ranatro was like don't judge my fashion sense and takes his thirds.
"At least I don't cry like a big baby about over high places." He glares at Wakiya and feel a bit dizzy.
"That was one time, you know you put the napkins really high on that shelve!" Wakiya takes his forth cup.
"You're such a moron, you should be the King of all Morons!"
"Said the one who can be rude for being not rich as you!" Ranatro took his fifth cup and feels dizzy.
"So I'm perfect that poor people are ashamed at you." Wakiya took his fifth cup and hiccup.
"You're not perfect! You make mistakes too but you won't admit!!" Ranatro took his sixth and feels like he's going to fall off the bed.
"I don't make mistakes you make mistakes!" Wakiya was shaky and dizzy for his sixth.
"That doesn't make sense!" Ranatro hiccup and yelled.
"Because you're so stupid to understand!" Wakiya yells and hiccups.
"GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" They glare at each other and took their last cup of Pino Noir.
They yelled at the same time making less sense but it was very hateful and true. Wakiya and Ranatro were very exhausted and dizzy from yelling and drinking seven small cups of Pino Noir. As they panted for breath and something happen...

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...