I change the music because I can and also...
My Hero Academia for life!~ 💖✨✨"Zzzzz.... *snore* Zzzzzz..... *snore* Zzzzz....." Valt was sleep peacefully as he was hugging a pillow.
"Zzzzz.... *snore* Zzzzz.... Hm..." He scoot a little trying to find his comfort buddy.
"Hmm....." Than he whines and can't find him and too tired to get up or open his eyes.
Scar Scarlett and Fafnir were having another pillow fight because they're arguing about who's going to stay with Valt with the whole Doominator incident.
"Hmmmm..........." Val groans and sits up but goes back down than up again. He turn his head and see Scar Scarlett and Fafnir having an epic quiet pillow fight.
"......???" He was confuse and tries to get this through his head.
"What are you doing???" Valt was like what happening am I drunk or having a weird dream.
They both stop their pillow fight and look at Valt.
"Umm well we're -...." Scar Scarlett pause trying to think of something to say.
*Gasp* "You bought me a dog!" Valt gasp with joy and see Fafnir as the dog.
"What??" Scar Scarlett and Fafnir both said confuse.
"His adorable!~ Is he Basenji or German Shepherd?" Valt ask what breed Fafnir is.
"Valt his not a-"
"I want to pet him!~" Valt get out of bed and fell on the floor and groan.
"Valt, are you okay?!?" Scar Scarlett run up to him and help him up.
"Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.~ I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, she was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb. In the shape of an "L" on her forehead!~" Valt mumbles and singing a song.
"Wha?-" Scar Scarlett was confused at Valt's behavior as he was holding him up.
"Whelp the memes start coming and they don't stop coming can you handle it when I hit the ground punnin'?" Now his just messing up the song of All Stars.
"I think his drunk?? Or Doominator inject something in his system." Fafnir was making some suggestions.
"No, I don't think Doominator will make him..."
"Hehehe...~" Valt giggles like his high with drugs.
"Like this..." Scar Scarlett can see anything deadly and stupid things that Doominator makes, but not this one.
"Scar Scarlett..." Valt touch Scar Scarlett's cheek and got close to him.
"What?" Scar Scarlett replied.
"Scar..." Valt touch Scar Scarlett's face.
"What..." Scar Scarlett was getting a bit annoyed.
"Scar Scarlett..." Valt touch his face randomly.
"What, Valt!" Scar Scarlett grab Valt's hands to make him stop touching his face.
"I think I'm on my period??" Valt whisper loudly and told Shu about his period.
Everything got silent.
"Say what??" Scar Scarlett was making sure if he was hearing this clearly.
"I think I hit my period."
"..... Pfft-" Fafnir trying so hard not to laugh at this.
"Valt... Your not on your period and your not female." Scar Scarlett was like inhale, exhale okay the talk.
"I'm not...? Than why do have a feminine body??" Valt got confuse on his own gender.
"You... Don't. Your just small." Scar Scarlett pause on that question because he can't lie that Valt does have a feminine body.
"Am I a trap?" Valt look up at the ceiling as his eyes were big and sparkling like he was taking drunks.
"No your not??" Scar Scarlett was confuse and don't know what a trap is.
"Are you sure??"
"Yes, I'm sure." He strokes Valt's head and Valt was enjoying it like a little child.
"Ok, ok... Hehehe. Hmmm...." Valt giggled than groan not feeling too good.
"Are you okay?" Scar Scarlett ask worryingly.
"Nah ah..." Valt lay his head on Scar Scarlett's chest as his body was numb. Scar Scarlett touch Valt's forehand.
"That why you were acting weird, you have a high fever.""No... I'm fine.. Super f-f-fine...." Valt mumbles than collapse on the floor but Scar Scarlett hold him on time not letting him hit the ground.
"VALT!!" Scar Scarlett and Fafnir both shout and gather up to Valt.
Valt was breathing heavily and his face was red and sweaty.
"Okay, that's it you're going to bed and I'm disconnecting the WiFi!!" Scar Scarlett grab Valt bridal style and putting him in bed.
"Nooooo.... Not the WiFi... I need to work...." Valt was like 'nooo' don't take away my work.
"No, you keep over working every night and staying up for Netflix." Scar Scarlett was scolding Valt like a parent.
"I!!.... Do...not..." Valt sits up to argue but everything got dizzy for him and Scar Scarlett made him lay back to bed.
"Valt, you need to rest. Just because I'm not here doesn't mean you have to push yourself 24/7." Scar Scarlett stroke Valt's head for comfort.
"Hmmm..... You're right." Valt started to tear up.
"I'm useless and can't do anything right..." He starts crying for making himself get sick.
"Ah!!" Fafnir and Scar Scarlett flinch and feels guilty.
"No, no, no!!! You're not useless you just need to take a break once in a while." Scar Scarlett whipe Valt's tears away.
*Sniff* "Ok... I'll take a break and rest.. But can the dog stay with me." Valt agrees to take a break and also wants Fafnir to stay with him as his comforting animal.
"I don't think that's-!" Scar Scarlett doesn't want Fafnir anywhere near Valt but...

Shu x Valt: One Shot (Requests Closed)
Fanfiction(Requests box will open again till I'm finished with the 15 requests I already have...) I ship them so bad! That I have to make a short story about these two! And if you like reading the short story I can gladly do one of your ship. But if there a s...