1. The Good News

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I was working a late shift that night in the restaurant I waitressed for. I rang up the bill for the last customers of the night. It was about one in the morning and the place was closing down; I was prepared to go home for the night. That was when my best friend Caleb Dawson ran in, extremely excited.

“We got the gig Kieran! We’re going to be touring and opening for One Direction in their upcoming tour!” Caleb announced excitedly.

I felt my mouth drop open. This was huge and magnificent news. One Direction was pretty much the biggest boy band in the world at the moment and it would be an amazing opportunity to open for them. It would be the beginning of a great career for us.

Before I get too carried away, let me explain a little about “us”. I was the lead singer of our band and I could play bass, drums and keyboard. Caleb was the bass guitarist of the band as well as being the occasional singer.  Our band also consisted of Ian Garcia, who was the lead guitar, Cameron Ryerson who played the keyboard and sang back-up and last but not least, Lucas James, our drummer. Together we made up our band, Paradise Falls.

Our band was formed about half a year ago. Caleb, Ian, Cameron and Lucas already knew each other from high school but I auditioned when their previous lead singer quit. According to the guys, I was incredible and had the best voice and look from all the auditions so naturally, I made the band. We worked really hard at writing our own songs and just a couple of weeks ago, we sent out copies of our songs to radio stations. The fact that the One Direction management even noticed us was progress for a small band like us.

I swallowed down my excitement and stuttered a few words to Caleb.

“That is the best news that I’ve heard in a long time!” I shrieked excitedly. I gave Caleb a hug and we decided to call the other boys to let them know of the good news.

“Yo Ian,” Caleb said into the phone. “You’ll never believe this, but our dreams are about to come true. WE’RE GOING ON TOUR WITH ONE DIRECTION.” Caleb paused as Ian excitedly chattered with him. “Yeah we’re only opening but it’s cool, this will just be the beginning for us.” Caleb hung up and looked at me.

“Ian is ecstatic, imagine how Cameron and Luke will be,” he grinned at me.

The feeling of euphoria was all around me as we made calls to Cameron and Lucas. I heard Cameron’s whoop of excitement over the phone and could imagine him jumping around like a mad puppy. Cam was always the happy, party boy of the group. Lucas’ response was more reserved although we could tell he was bursting with anticipation for the tour to begin.

I went home feeling tremendously joyful that night.

The next morning, Caleb called me saying he was coming over to pick me up since we had to have a meeting with the tour directors. I was told to make myself presentable.

I glanced in the mirror. My flawless reflection starred back at me. I was what most guys considered incredibly hot and what most girls wanted to look like. I was 5’7 in height and very thin but not to the point where I was anorexic. My hair was long and raven black, my bangs swept to the side. My skin was soft, pale and creamy with a hint of a glow. I didn’t consider myself to be pretty but I’ll admit that I did attract a lot of attention from guys all the time. The only feature of mine that I considered beautiful was my eyes. They were electric blue around the pupil and center but the ring around the blue blended into an emerald green color. Some people said I had witch eyes but I thought they were extraordinary.

After taking a considerable amount of time in deciding what to wear, I chose a pair of black skinnies, a blue cropped t-shirt and a pair of grey Toms. I ran outside to meet the boys.

“Hey Caleb,” I said in a greeting. “Excited to get the details today?”

Caleb just smiled at me. “You bet I am! I’ve been waiting for this chance for a long, long time.”

I understood what he meant. Out of all of us, Caleb was the hardest working and most focused. He always kept us in line when we got a bit off task during our song writing sessions.

I glanced at Caleb. He was about average height for a guy, lanky yet muscular with floppy, chocolate brown hair and sea-green eyes. He glanced back over at me and grinned cheekily.

“The rest of the guys are at Ian’s place, we’re picking them up.”

“Okay,” I smiled and sat back in my seat.

Today was the big day where everything was going to be set into motion.

We had picked up the rest of the guys and were currently sitting in Mr. Tour Director’s office.

“So, you guys are Paradise Falls. I heard one of your demos at my friend’s place. He said the tracks were sent in but never made it onto the radio.” Mr. Tour Direction shook his head sadly. “I thought it would be a shame for good music to go to waste so I thought I’d give you a boost in this industry. I know you aren’t signed to a record label, but that will change after your first few performances.”

He continued on about the details, dates, and set information. Basically, since we were a last minute addition, we would only be able to perform a few songs every show.

“But it is okay, because what happens afterwards will change your life forever! I’ve heard your music, I know you kids got soul, you’ll make it in this industry.” Mr. Tour Direction was really encouraging and nice, but I wanted to point out the fact we weren’t kids. I was 18, which legally made me an adult and the boys were all 19.

“This is it kiddos, your big break! And when it all feels like a dream, remember that it is reality.”

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