5. In the Dark

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I was determined to forget about the kiss between me and Harry so when I followed him up the stairs, I just asked about what he planned to do next. He just smirked at me.

“Well we’ve still got Ian, Niall and Lucas running around and from our side, Zayn is still out there…” He trailed off.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. “I know where Niall is!”

Harry ran to the kitchen and I followed him. He started walking around more cautiously and looked through the cabinets and pantry. Meanwhile I walked over to the table where all the food was still lying around. We had yet to wash the dishes. I heard loud munching sounds coming from underneath the table. I peeked down and saw Niall eating the leftovers. Quietly, I crawled underneath and grabbed him.

“Gotcha!” I whispered.

Niall must have not realized I was there because he jumped about a meter up and hit his head. He crawled out from underneath the table and had a dazed expression on his face. I couldn’t help myself. I took out my phone and quickly snapped a photo. Thank god my Iphone had flash photography. I quickly tweeted the picture.

Kieran_Storm: Playing Hide and Seek and @NiallOfficial just smacked his head under a table. That’s what happens when you try sneaking food!

I gave Niall a hug and sheepishly apologized for accidently almost cracking his head open. He rubbed his head and looked at me but returned the hug. I could feel Harry’s gaze on us but I ignored it. I dragged Niall by the hand and dumped him in the living room.

“YES KIERAN YES. THAT’S THE WAY TO DO IT!” Louis shouted in excitement.

Harry had followed me back to the living room and we were currently observing the captives. He was on his phone, no doubt communicating with Zayn.

“That just leaves Ian and Lucas,” I acknowledged.

“Zayn says that he’s up in the attic looking for the other two,” Harry told me. “Should we go join him?”

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s not safe for poor pretty boy to be alone by himself.” I grinned. We were going to win this game, I could just feel it.

Harry and I went up to the attic. There was no sign of Zayn. We looked around and found him tied up behind some boxes. He was gagged and his eyes widened as he tried to warn us. I turned around and saw Ian charging towards me and Harry, ready to tag us.

Somehow I managed to tackled Harry out of the way and trip Ian at the same time.


Ian went down in a crash and landed on top of Zayn who cried in agony. I quickly got off Harry and sat on top of Ian and Zayn.

“Gotcha,” I said in my sweetest voice.

Ian glared at me. “Zayn’s out already, I got him when I gagged him.”

I helped Zayn up and untied him. He ripped the gag out of his mouth.

“That was bloody uncalled for!” He protested, but then he smiled. “Best fucking idea ever though!” He gave Ian a high five.

I turned to Harry to decide our next move. It was just us and Lucas left. Suddenly, a shadow came out of nowhere and attacked me.

“Gotcha,” the voice growled. It was Lucas.

In a flash, he was out of there and left us all stunned.

“Wow, Luke has gone mad,” Ian commented casually.

“Harry, go get him for the team!” I cheered.

Harry went off to look for Lucas while Ian, Zayn and I went back downstairs to the living room.

“What happened?!” Louis cried. “We were winning about 10 minutes ago!”

“Lucas happened,” I replied. “He’s in game mode and he’s in it to win it now.” I looked at my boys. They understood how Lucas got when he was competitive.

“I am praying for poor Harry right now,” Cam said seriously.

About 15 minutes later, we saw Harry run up the stairs with Lucas right on his heels. There was a lot of banging around upstairs and finally, Lucas dragged Harry into the living room and dumped him onto the floor. Everyone was quiet for a second and then Cameron let out a huge roar.

“TEAM SEXY WINS!” he screamed like a mad man. “FUCK YES LUCAS!  YOU BRILLIANT, GENIUS BOY!” Cam jumped Lucas and bear hugged him.

They fell over, but Lucas was grinning which was a good sign.

“I am a brilliant boy, I agree,” he said smiling.

I looked over at Harry who was also laughing.

“Hey guys, it’s stopped raining!” said Liam. “Maybe we should head back to the hotel…”

“Liam you are such a party pooper!” shouted Louis.

“You want to drive when you’re tired?” Liam shot back.

“Fine, fine, fine,” said Louis.

“Thanks for having us here tonight,” Zayn said politely.

We walked the boys to the front. Ian, Cam, Lucas and I were staying for the night to prepare more for the tour. Even though the rain had stopped, it was still pitch black in the house.

The boys and I lit some candles, picked up our instruments and did a couple of runs through our songs.

A/N - Just a really really short chapter updating on what happened. I'm working on the next one already. Thank you to the few readers I've had so far!

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