13. Trouble in Paradise

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We were rushed back to the hotel and we all went up to our rooms to change. Eleanor put on a pair of skinny jeans and a white top. I wore my skinnies with a black cropped t-shirt and a pair of grey Toms.

We met the boys in the lobby of the hotel; we were all going in the same limo to the venue. The show was being held at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre again. Cameron was bringing along Verlyssa. I didn’t know if their relationship would last since we were leaving Toronto that night.

The limo was delayed for a bit because they had to wait for the tour bus decoys to leave first. We saw the fans all follow after the two tour buses and then 10 minutes later, our limo pulled into the venue. Ian, Caleb, Cameron, Verlyssa, Lucas and Eleanor all got out and walked into the venue chatting to one another. Then Liam, who was on his phone got out. Zayn jumped out and I heard a voice outside.

“Hi Zayn.”

I assumed some fan had lingered behind but what surprised me was the fact that Zayn didn’t respond. Instead, he turned around and started conversing with Harry who was getting out of the limo and making his way towards Zayn.

“Can I get a photo?” I heard a timid voice ask.

I got out and saw that there was only one girl around. Harry looked over to one of the security guards and he gave him a thumbs up. She was the only fan around so clearly, he didn’t mind. Harry’s answer shocked me though.

“No, no photos today.”

He and Zayn walked off laughing to each other. The girl looked like she was about to cry. That’s when Louis got out behind me and walked over to the fan. He looked sort of pissed off at Zayn and Harry but he comforted the girl.

“Don’t worry, we’re not all like that,” he told her. He looked up at me and motioned for me to come over.

“Hey,” I said and gave her a hug. She hugged me back warmly and smiled slightly.

“Thank you.”

“Would you like a photo?” Lou asked.

“No, I look terrible right now and I’ve been crying,” she laughed a little.

Louis signed her phone instead. Niall finally got out of the limo after raiding the mini fridge.

“What’s going on?” he asked us.

“Princess Zayn and Princess Harry offended someone,” Louis offered.

“Oh,” Niall said, shaking his head. “We’re still the same boys though.” He said referring to himself and Louis. “And Kieran here is really, really nice too.”

We stayed with the girl until she stopped crying. Louis and Niall both gave her a hug one last time before leaving and going backstage.

“That was really nice of you two,” I commented.

“We’re just regular guys,” Niall shrugged.

We reached backstage and noticed everyone getting ready already. Olly Murs was already there doing meet and greets with some fans. I approached Harry and confronted him.

“What the hell was that?” I asked.

“What?” He looked confused.

“What happened with the fan? You just ignore her!” I cried.

“I wasn’t in the mood for dealing with fans,” Harry said coolly.

“There was only one girl…” I pointed out. “And this is your job; you’re supposed to put up with fans. That’s a part of the job description!”

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