18. Welcome to Paradise

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There was a loud banging on my bedroom. I tossed around in my bed, restlessly.

"Shut up!" I shouted.

"Kieran! We're going to be late for the meeting with the record company!" Caleb shouted back.

Record company? That's when I shot out of bed like a rocket. We were meeting with Hollywood Records today to discuss the possibility of signing a contract with them. They had offered to sign us, but we had decided to hold off on that decision, saying we wanted to look for a new drummer first.

I quickly brushed my hair, threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before running to the door.

"Good morning Caleb!"

"It's the afternoon," he smirked. "I guess you really liked the hotel bed, eh?"

After leaving the tour the night before, we flew back to LA and checked into a hotel, prior to meeting with Hollywood Records.

"I was tired."

Caleb laughed and we walked into the lobby together, where Ian and Cam were waiting for us. We walked outside to the rental car and Caleb climbed into the driver's seat.

"I call shot gun!" I yelled before jumping in. Ian and Cam piled into the back of the Range Rover and we drove off to the meeting place.

We got to the place and walked in. The lobby of the building was quite posh. The furnishing was very modern and the people all seemed very business-like. Ian walked up to the receptionist who smiled flirtatiously at him.

"Hi how may I help you?"

"We have an appointment with Mr. Davies," Ian said smoothly.

The receptionist checked her computer. "Paradise Falls for 2PM?"

Ian nodded.

"Come this way."

We followed her to an elevator.

"Go to the 6th floor, it's the first office on your right labelled DAVIES," she instructed. "Good luck!"

We followed the receptionist instructions and arrived at the office right on time. I knocked on the door, nervously.

"Come in," I heard a voice call from the inside.

We walked in and there was a middleaged man with blonde hair sitting at the desk. He was quite good looking for an older man and I felt Ian elbow me in the side.

"You have a boyfriend!" he whispered.

I elbowed him back. "Why'd you elbow me?!"

"Because you were totally checking him out!"

I blushed furiously.

"Hello," the man said, standing up. He was well over 6 foot. "I'm Alexander Davies, a representative and manager of Hollywood Records. You must be Paradise Falls." He smiled at us.

"Hi, Mr. Davies, how are you?" Caleb said, introducing himself and us. "I'm Caleb Dawson, these are my band members: Ian Garcia, Cameron Ryerson and Kieran Storm."

"Please, you can call me Alex."

We all shook hands with the man before sitting down to discuss our music.

"I've seen videos of your performances and you're very good," Alex complimented. "Your sound is unique. You don't sound like typical bands. It's like a mix of pop and punk, which I personally really enjoy. You seem to have developed a pretty decent sized fan base over the course of your time with One Direction."

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