20. Let's go to the beach-each, let's go get away

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I woke up the next morning to find that I could not move. Harry’s arm was still draped around me and our legs were a tangled messed. I struggled a little to remove myself from the position and dragged myself over to the bathroom. After I finished brushing my teeth, I realized I had a slight headache and proceeded to go to the kitchen to find some medicine. Liam, Caleb and Danielle were the only ones awake when I walked in.

“Good morning!” I said, cheerfully.

“Aren’t you in a good mood,” commented Caleb. I just smiled before looking for the medicine.

“If you’re looking for the Advil, it’s right here.” Liam threw me the bottle.


I quickly choke down a pill and my head feels a little relieved. “Is everyone else still sleeping?”

Dani points to the living room where everyone else is still in the same positions from the night before, minus Niall who must’ve gone to one of the bedrooms.

“So what are the plans for today?” I asked.

“We were thinking of going down to the beach,” Dani answered me.

“Oh goody! I’ll go get changed now,” I jumped up and advanced to my bedroom. Danielle followed me with her bag.

“Wait,” Dani frowned. She started running her fingers threw my hair and patting it down. “You have sex hair,” she smiled ruefully.

“What?!” I exclaimed.

“Look, when Harry didn’t come back downstairs, everyone knew he was spending the night with you. Your hair just explains what you did.” She winked. “Don’t worry though, it’s a girl thing. I’m pretty sure none of the guys would have noticed it.”

Well that was reassuring.

“But you noticed!” I blushed furiously.

“It’s okay, I won’t tell.” She pretended to zip her lips.

I pushed open the door of the room to see Harry scrambling to shut off his phone. His face was slightly red and he looked somewhat angry but he tried to hide his expression from us.

“Something wrong?” I asked, concern in my voice.

Harry tried smiling but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Everything is fine.” Then he smiled a real smile. “I had a great night though.”

I started blushing again and Danielle and Harry just laughed.

“Harry, stop teasing the poor girl,” Danielle swatted his arm. “Leave now! We need to change so that we can go to the beach.”

Harry left quickly and Dani and I started stripping off and putting on bikinis. I quickly slipped a tank top and a pair of white denim shorts over my bathing suit.

“Let’s go!” Dani grabbed my hand and pulled me back downstairs.

In the time it took us to change, no one else had even woken up.

“Shall we make them food?” I asked.

“Why are you so nice to all of them?” Dani inquired.

I just shrugged before pulling out cartons of eggs and starting on the omelets.

“Are you making omelets?” Caleb walked up behind me. I nodded. “Yum! Kieran makes the best omelets.”

“I’ll make the toast,” offered Liam.

Dani slapped his arm playfully. “You’re making toast? All you have to do is put bread into the toaster.”


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