2. Meeting One Direction

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Over the next couple of weeks, the band and I worked the hardest we had ever done in our lives. The rest of the guys had already finished high school so they didn’t have exams to worry about but I still had to maintain a balance between school and practicing performances.

“Ugh, this math exam will be the death of me,” I growled one afternoon while we were rehearsing one of our songs at Caleb’s house.

“Chill out, Kiers. It will all be over next week and then we are going on tour!” exclaimed Cameron.

“My parents will kill me if I do badly; their exact words were ‘We are not sending you over to America so you can party all night. It is for your education.” I waved my arms around in frustration. If I forgot to mention this, I was born in London, England and had lived there all my life until the past year when my parents sent me to America.

“Take a break from all this rehearsing and focus a little on your studies. Stop trying to do everything at once,” Lucas said in a bored voice.

At that moment, the phone rang. Cameron was the first to jump up and reach the phone.

“Hello?” he said.

Ian, Caleb, Lucas and I sat in the living room watching his facial expressions as he took the phone call. All of a sudden, Cam’s eye’s widened and he let out and excited shout. It’s One Direction, he mouthed at us. Cameron, barely able to contain his excitement, handed the phone to Caleb.

“Hey. Hey Liam, how are you?” Caleb nodded his head absentmindedly. “Yeah we’re good; the whole band is here actually. We’re rehearsing a couple of ours songs we’ve chosen to perform.” Caleb paused as he listened to Liam speak. “You want to meet us at our place couple of days before the tour officially starts? Yeah, yeah, that’s no problem at all. I’ll give you the address to my place and we can meet everyone here. Okay, sounds cool, see you then.” Caleb hung up the phone.

“We’re meeting the boys next week, so everyone, get your shit together. I don’t want you to embarrass us.” Caleb took on the role of the leader.

I looked over at Cameron making sure he was paying attention. Cameron’s surfer blonde hair bounced up and down eagerly with him. His ocean blue eyes sparkled mischievously. Out of all the members of the band, Cam was the most fun and outgoing, he was the party/surfer boy of the group. We all had different personalities to contribute to the band,

Caleb acted as the leader most of the time and kept the rest of the boys (and sometimes myself) in line when we got a little too rowdy. He was my best friend because he was the most considerate out of the guys. However, you couldn’t let Caleb’s usual serious demeanour fool you. Once he let loose a little, he was a party animal. Caleb’s slept with some of the hottest girls in town.

Then there was Ian. Ian was a prick when I first met him. He thought he was too cool to associate with the girl in the band and often pissed me off. It didn’t help that he was ridiculously good looking with his black hair and lantern blue eyes. We used to fight a lot until we talked a little bit and actually got to know each other. In a way, he became the older brother I never had. We would fight and then make up afterwards.

Lastly, there was Lucas. He was different from the rest of the guys, a lot more reserved and quiet. He wasn’t bad looking although nowhere near as good looking as Ian but there was something about Lucas that would catch your attention. His dark brown hair and eyes had a mysterious edge to it and Luke often spent his time alone. Nonetheless, he was an outrageously, brilliant drummer which was a bonus to our little band.

And then there was me. The only girl in the band, which many people have told us, was an asset because it would make us stand out. Together we made up Paradise Falls and together, we were soon going on tour.

It was a week later and school had ended and all my exams were done. Summer was laid out before me and I basked in it’s warm light.

“Is that their van coming down the road,” Cam babbled impatiently as he peaked through the curtain of Caleb’s front window.

“Calm down Cam,” replied Lucas, as cool as ever. “They’ll get here when they get here.”

“They’ll get here when they get her,” Cameron mocked Lucas in a baby voice.

Luke shot him a dark glare.

“No, I think it’s the black van that’s coming from the opposite way,” I exclaimed.

“Kieran you are almost as bad as Cam,” Lucas rubbed his temples.

“WAIT I THINK THEY’RE HERE! WOOT WOOT, TIME TO START PARTYING!” Cameron cheered. That boy really did like partying.

Sure enough, the van followed by several other vans pulled into the drive way. Caleb went outside to greet them while the rest of us sat inside, dying with anticipation. We watched from the window as the five boys of One Direction stepped out of the van. There in the flesh was Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Harry Styles.

If I had been more familiar with them before, I probably would have fangirled my heart out. But I wasn’t one of those mega fans prior to being part of their tour. The only piece of One Direction merchandise I owned was the deluxe edition of their album. I had only bought it because I discovered that their music actually sounded pretty good and that they weren’t just five good looking guys.

I didn’t do well with good looking guys. They all just come off as jerks to me. It was probably part of the reason why I hated Ian so much when I first met him.

While I was lost in my own thoughts, Caleb had led the boys into the house. We all greeted each other and introduced ourselves.

“VAS HAPPENIN’?” said the brown guy with the really intense hair. I recognized him as Zayn Malik because of all the hair products he had used. It was quite ridiculous actually. I gave him a hug and warm welcome and my band mates said their greetings.

“Hello, do you got any food?” The blond guy had an Irish accent so he must be Niall. He came in for a hug and I embraced him. I could smell his cologne and it was heavenly.

“CARROTS!!!” screeched the boy with brown hair and blue eyes. I’d done my research and judging by what he screamed, this had to be the one and only Louis William Tomlinson.

“I’m quite sorry for their idiocy,” said the boy who appeared most mature. He wore a plaid shirt and his brown hair was cut short. “My name is Liam Payne by the way. This is a very posh house you’ve got.” I grinned at him, Caleb’s family mansion was indeed very posh. I could already sense a bromance beginning to form between Liam and Caleb judging by the way they interacted with each other.

The last boy had been quietly observing me throughout the entire introduction process. He had amazing curly brown hair and green eyes to die for, not to mention the cutest dimples when he smiled. He was constantly smiling cheekily at me and I tried to ignore him. The boys introduced him as the one and only Harry Styles.

I knew guys like Harry. They thought they were extremely good looking (which in this case, Harry was. But I wasn’t going to admit that yet) and tried hitting on anything that was the slightest bit attractive. I found Harry’s gaze immensely disturbing yet compelling at the same time and felt myself getting frustrated over it. You’re thinking too much Kieran, I thought to myself. He might not even be the interested in you at all.

“Harry keeps starring at you,” Ian pointed out all of a sudden.

“How do you know?” I replied casually.

“Kieran, don’t be stupid. Only a blind guy wouldn’t stare.” Ian was exasperated.

I blushed. “Oh please, we’ve only just me. Unlike some people, I don’t try hopping on anything that moves.” I smirked at him, knowing that he knew what I am implying.

“Are you never going to let that go? I was drunk during the Spring Break Party okay, who wasn’t drunk?”

“Lucas wasn’t and neither was I,” I said laughing. “Oh Ian, we’re going to have so much fun on this tour.”

I smiled at all my friends, old and new around me, prepared for what was coming.

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