15. Drunk Drivers

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After the Oakland concert, the media and fans went insane. We couldn't go anywhere in public without people following us screaming. We had flown to LA the night before and were on our way to a signing for One Direction. The fans and reporters were all making it impossible for us to arrive on time though.

We got to the mall where the boys were doing their signing and decided to hang around.

"You should go shopping," Harry told me. "You'll get bored here. And I don't want the fans to tear you apart."

"I think they'll eat me alive if I try to leave," I joked.

In the end, Harry arranged for one of the security guards to follow me around. There was no point since I was going to be with Caleb and Ian anyways but he said it was better to be safe. Cameron had decided to stay back at the hotel so that he could Skype with Verlyssa.

"I need some new pants," Ian said.

"AE?" Caleb asked.

"No I want some Armani jeans..." said Ian.

"Armani? Really Ian? Since when did you get rich?" Caleb joked.

"I'm not rich, but I feel like spoiling myself."

"Ian's a superstar now, he has to dress like one too," I teased.

"Shut up," whined Ian.

We headed to Armani with the security guy following a close distance behind us. Ian found a couple of pairs of jeans and went to pay for them.

"So how are you dealing with being semi-famous?" I asked Caleb.

"It's a nice feeling," he shrugged. "I don't get as much attention as Ian but it's still really nice to be known. I just can't wait till we finally sign a record deal and start recording our own album." His eyes drifted off and I could see that he was daydreaming about our future.

"We're going to need to look for a new drummer..." I mentioned.

"I know," Caleb sighed. "I don't know if the Hollywood Records still want us since Lucas ditched. But I want to handle finding a new drummer ourselves. He's-"

"Or she!" I interrupted.

Caleb smiled ruefully. "Or her."

Ian came back over with his bag of jeans.

"$500, BOOM. Gone. Just like that!" he scowled.

Caleb and I looked at each other and cracked up,

"Oh Mr. Superstar is complaining? What happened to looking good?" Caleb badgered.

"Oh shut up!"

We left the store, just wandered around the mall and went to the food court.

"I want poutine," I shouted.

"I'll go get us all some," volunteered Caleb. "Should we get some for the others too?"

Ian nodded. "Niall is probably starving."

Ian and I ended up going with Caleb as he went to order the food.

"So... You and Harry, eh?" asked Ian, casually.

"Yeah," I said.

"Never thought you were the type to date pop stars," he commented.

I laughed. "Neither did I. Things just happen so quickly."

"Just be careful okay?" He was now looking down at the floor. "I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Hey," I slapped his arm playfully. "I'm a big girl; I can take care of myself. I'm not going to let a celebrity break my heart."

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