21. The Publicity Stunt

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I woke up to feel the full force of the scorching heat of the sun on my face. I jumped up quickly, startling Harry and Louis and Eleanor who were asleep beside us.

“We’re all going to get sunburned!” I whispered, trying not to wake any of the others.

Louis got an evil look on his face. “Just leave them!” he said simply. “It’s a good prank, because we don’t have to do any work.”

“That’s mean!”

“You pranked us!” Louis shot back. “You ruined my Toms!”

“That was Niall’s idea!”

“Then we should leave Niall especially! It’s a bonus for the fact that he’s so white too. He’ll burn easily.”

“Ugh fine!”

Harry, Louis, Eleanor and I all got up and ran into the house, leaving the rest of the sleepers outside still. It was just sunrise; I knew they would be asleep at least for another couple of hours. That was just enough time for them to get burned. I felt a little guilty though since this would be harming them.

Harry started making the four of us some breakfast and then Louis and Eleanor went back to sleep on the couch.

“I’m going to wake the others and tell them to come in,” I told Harry quietly.

“But you’ll ruin Louis’ prank!”

“It’s mean to let them burn!”

Harry sighed before pulling me in for a hug. He gave me a quick peck before smiling. This was one of those smiles that actually touched his eyes. “I don’t deserve you,” he mumbled. “You’re so sweet and nice and caring. Such a genuine person!”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” I scolded him. “Whether you deserve me or not, you already have me!”

He smiled again but this one didn’t touch his eyes. Then he led me to the back door and we walked down to the beach, hand in hand. I walked over to Niall first, shaking him awake.

“Where’s the food?” he mumbled.

“Niall, wake up or you’re going to get sunburned!”

We quickly woke up everyone and they walked back up to the beach house groggily. They all picked a room and fell asleep again as soon as they hit the bed.

Harry pulled me up to our bedroom and luckily it was unoccupied. As soon as the door was closed, I tugged off his shirt and ran my fingers over his stomach. His abs were hard and prominent and he gasped a little as a began tracing the outline of his abs. He pulled off my shirt and fingered my belly button piercing. Then his hand went under my chin and he tilted my head to face his. His green eyes were dark and burning with something that I could only place as desire. He pressed his lips to mine and they molded perfectly, sculpting each other. His tongue ran along my bottom lip, teasing me and seeking for entrance. I teased him back by pressing my lips together. I heard him chuckle a little before he tried again. This time, I granted him entrance and soon, he was in my mouth. The kiss was more intense than usual, as if there was a deeper meaning behind but all I could think about at that point was how much I wanted Harry.

“Harry, take me now,” I said urgently.

He looked down at me. “Are you sure?”


I quickly helped him remove his pants and he picked me up, pressing me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around, his waist and I could feel how hard his manhood was, how excited he was down there. He grunted into our kiss before carrying me to the bed and throwing me down. He pulled off my underwear, then he climbed on top of me.

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