24. Breathe In, Breathe Out [End]

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I woke up the next morning feeling completely drained of energy. Ian and Avery were lying beside me on the couch; I guessed we all fell asleep during the movie since the TV was still on. I smiled a little, once again thankful for the friends that I had. I got up and walked to the kitchen but I didn’t get far before my phone rang.


 “Kieran? It’s Niall.”

“Oh, hi Niall.” I could hear my voice drop instantly.

Niall sighed. “I just wanted to check up on you.”

“I’m fine,” I lied.

“Harry is coming to see you,” Niall told me.

I heard myself take a sharp intake of air. “No.”

“He’s coming,” Niall insisted. “He has some explaining to do. You should let him explain.”

“I don’t want to see him,” I growled.

“You can’t leave this unresolved you know.”

“I don’t care! I don’t want to see him.”

I slam the phone down and hung up on Niall. I knew I shouldn’t be taking out my anger on Niall but I really didn’t want to be dealing with any of this now. The heart break was still fresh. Ian walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. He saw the expression on my face and instantly he was the protective older brother.

“What happened? I heard you were pretty upset. Were you talking to Harry?”

“Is this the Spanish Influenza?” I asked dryly.

Ian scowled. “It’s Spanish Inquisition. And I’m just worried about you okay.”

“I know. Thanks.”

The doorbell rang at that moment and I walked over to it. When I opened the door, I tried to shut it immediately.

“Kieran, please let me explain.”

“No!” I shouted, trying to force the door closed, but he was stronger than me.

I backed away from the door and Harry advanced on me, arms reaching out. Suddenly, Ian was next to me and he pushed Harry back.

“Haven’t you hurt her enough?”

The flash of pain crossed Harry’s features but then it was replaced by anger. “Get out of the way Ian. I need to talk to Kieran and explain what happened.”

“I don’t want to hear it!” I shouted at him. “Harry, just leave me alone!”

Harry gave me a hard look but then his features softened and he looked like the Harry I loved. He looked so lost and sad that I almost gave him a hug. But I restrained myself. I couldn’t keep forgiving him. Not for this, not this time.

“Kieran, please,” he begged.

“No. Harry, you need to leave,” I said harshly. Then I turned around and stalked up the stairs to my bedroom. I slammed the door and then heard yelling from downstairs. I threw myself onto my bed and covered my head with my pillow. There was a banging noise and I assumed it was because the boys were fighting. Then I heard Avery’s voice, telling the guys to calm down and suddenly, everything was quiet. I didn’t even care that the boys were fighting because of me; I just wanted to drown out everything.

A couple of weeks passed since Harry and I had broken up. It hadn’t been said, but I knew we were over. I hadn’t seen or spoken to him since he came to my house and tried to explain. Everything had gone back to normal and all the drama had died down, I was slowly recovering from what Harry was doing.

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