8. We Love Toronto

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“And now here with us as special guests, please welcome Paradise Falls,” said Cash Conners. “Why don’t you all introduce yourselves?” he continued.

“Hello Cash, thank you for welcoming us,” Caleb started. “I’m Caleb Dawson.”

“My name’s Ian Garcia.”

“Lucas James.”

“Hey all, I’m Cameron Ryerson!”

“And I’m Kieran Storm.”

“So how has Toronto been so far?” Cash Conners grinned.

“It’s been absolutely fantastic!” piped up Cameron. “Everything here has been pretty amazing since we got in last night.”

“The people here are really nice,” Caleb said.

“That’s great to hear! What do you like best about Canada?” Cash continued.

“The girls!” Cameron said.

Ian and I gave each other knowing looks while Caleb and Lucas looked kind of confused.

“We like the amusement parks,” I said referring to Ian. When I realized the viewers couldn’t see me pointing to Ian, I mentally facepalmed myself. “Uh, we as in Ian and I.” I said lamely. The boys all laughed at me.

“Yeah, Kieran and I visited Wonderland this morning, good times,” Ian drawled lazily.

“I like the atmosphere of the city,” Lucas put in.

“I haven’t been out yet,” Caleb confessed.

“Well you’re here for what, three days? You’ve still got some time!” Cash said. “Okay we’re going to answer some very popular twitter questions from fans if you don’t mind. I’d like to start off and ask, who’s single?”

“I am,” I said.

“Me too,” Caleb responded.

“Me as well,” said Lucas.

“And I,” added Ian.

“Me too but hopefully not for long,” Cameron said.

“Well ladies and gentlemen, there you have it! The boys and girl of Paradise Falls are all currently single, all of them very compatible. Which brings me to the next question; would you ever date a fan?”

“Absolutely,” said Caleb. “Fans are normal people as well and after all the craziness we’ve experienced, I think it would be good to have someone anchor us down.”

“But not those super crazy fans though, because honestly, I don’t know how I’d deal with that,” Ian added.

“I wouldn’t necessarily date a fan,” Lucas stated. “I want someone normal and not in love with me because I’m famous or something.”

“Depends on how the fan is I guess, although that’s sort of awkward for me to answer since I’m a girl and apparently female celebrities don’t communicate with their fans as much. I don’t even know if I have fans but if I do, I love them all very much,” I rambled.

“I’d date anyone I find common interest with and truly liked,” said Cameron.

“Okay, next question!” said Cash Conners. “Who is YOUR celebrity crush?”

“Taylor Swift,” said Caleb. “She seems to be a really sweet, down to earth person.”

“Ashley Benson is really cute,” Cameron said, blushing slightly.

“I really like Claire Holt and her Aussie accent,” Lucas added.

“This is going to sound really stereotypical, but I’ve got the hots for Megan Fox,” Ian said and I laughed.

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