7. The Craziness Continues

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Over the next three days, we went from East Rutherford to New York to Philadelphia. There was a day in between the shows where we had a day off and we went off in small groups. I hung out with Ian, Niall and Harry for the day. Louis spent the day with Eleanor. Caleb and Liam chilled together, while Lucas, Zayn and Cameron went off individually.

After the concert in Philadelphia, we drove for 8 hours straight to Toronto, Canada. This was my first time visiting Canada and I always heard nice things about the country. During the bus ride to Toronto, I Skyped with Liam for half the night.

“You know you’re going pass out by tomorrow afternoon right?” he said to me on the webcam.

“I can sleep in, got nothing planned anyways,” I said.

“No quite, I heard you guys might have some interviews to do. You’re getting hot,” he told me.

I groaned. “Does that mean I have to wake up?”

“Yup,” he said, popping the P sound.

I quickly said my goodbyes to Liam and crawled into bed. I missed my big comfy bed back home. Caleb, Ian, Cameron and I had decided to move in together after this tour was over. I checked my phone before going to sleep.

3 New Messages.

Harry: Good night, sleep well! We have a big day ahead of us :) xx

Niall: Get some sleep! We’re all going out tmr! :D

Louis: Liam has a girlfriend, STOP FLIRTING WITH HIM.

I laughed at Louis’ text; the other boys’ were sweet.

“HELLO CANADA!” I announced as we got off the tour bus. “Time for a group photo!”

Caleb, Ian, Cam and Luke crowded around me and my phone and I snapped a photo. Time to upload to Twitter. Over the last week, we had gained more fame and recognition with the fans. Our band Twitter was up to 15, 000 followers and I had almost ten thousand on my personal one. The boys had around the same amount of followers as me but Ian was at 20 000 followers. Guess the girls all like the good looking, loud mouth guy.

We had all slept through the night and it was 8am, Tuesday morning. The tour directors got us checked-in to the hotel we were staying at. All the boys were sharing rooms: Harry and Louis, Zayn and Niall, Liam and Caleb, Ian and Cameron. I shared with Eleanor and Lucas got his own room.

The first thing I did was jump into the bed. There were two queen sized beds in my room and they were so soft and comfy compared to the one on the tour bus. Eleanor excused herself to use the bathroom. I almost fell asleep but suddenly, there was a knock at my door. I opened it and Niall invited himself in.

“Hey!” I complained.

He just smiled at me and jumped onto my bed. I sighed and walked over to where Niall was lying comfortably.

“What do you want?” I asked him.

He just continued grinning at me but then his face became all serious. He sat up and looked me in the eye.

“Kieran, I— I— I think like you,” he stuttered, looking down at the floor. I noticed the slight blush creeping up his neck.

Was Niall Horan confessing his feelings for me?

“Um, Niall, I like you too,” I replied.

“No. I mean that I like like you,” he muttered.


“Oh,” I said. “I don’t know if this will work out…” I trailed off. I could already see the dejected look in Niall’s eyes. “But we could try. Just don’t tell anyone yet,” I finished lamely. I instantly saw Niall’s eyes lit up and felt better about my decision.

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