Author's Note

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Hey guys, this is my first story where I’m going to incorporate the use of real life people (One Direction). I guess you could consider it fanfic, because it will be focused more on the boys of One Direction in the future chapters to come.

I wanted to make this a little different than most 1D fanfics out there. This isn't one of those stories where the characters meet and instantly fall in love. In this case, the characters get to know each other a little bit more. 

Also, there isn't a girl for every guy in One Direction. I'm writing a story about ONE girl and her four bandmates that are guys.

I'm hoping to develop the characters a little bit more and make the story more interesting once they actually meet the boys and there will hopefully be some drama. I'm literally making this up as I go so please excuse me if it turns out terrible.

Please let me know what you think, VOTE/COMMENT!

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