9. Travellers in Canada

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Three hours later, we had left the venue and were eating at a local Nando’s.

“Some girl gave me the address to here,” Zayn said.

“NANDO’S!” groaned Niall, his mouth full of food. He was still completely ignoring me.

“You guys all eat like pigs,” muttered Verlyssa. She, along with Eleanor had joined us for our meal and so had Olly Murs. It was already 12 and the place was closing up.

“Shut up Barbie,” mumbled Harry, his face stuffed.

I stifled a laugh. Harry looked up at me and his eyes’ twinkled.

“We should get back to the hotel soon,” Liam said.

“And then it’s time to party!” Cam started fist pumping.

“I can’t, I have school tomorrow,” whined Verlyssa.

“Since when does Barbie go to school?” asked Zayn. “You clearly weren’t in class when we met you at Wonderland today.”

Verlyssa blushed and buried her face in Cameron’s chest. Cam just laughed and put his arm around her. Ian and Louis started making obnoxious kissing noises.

“Oh my goodness guys! If you’re all done, can we leave now?” Eleanor exclaimed.

Caleb and I decided to pay for the food and soon, we were all back at our hotel. Harry and Louis’ room became the party room. Somehow they had snuck in alcohol and pretty soon, Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Cameron, Verlyssa, Ian, Zayn and Olly were all wasted. They kept laughing at nothing in particular.

Liam, Caleb, Niall, Lucas and I sat around the table chatting. We didn’t drink much so we were still sober. I hope no one found out about the boys getting drunk because in Canada, it was illegal for them all except Louis and Olly.

“Let’s play truth or dare!” Louis yelled.

“Ok, I wanna go first,” slurred Harry. “Truth or Dare, Verlyssa?”


“On a scale of 1 – 10, how much do you like Cameron?”

“Too much I think,” Verlyssa giggled.

Cameron smiled a wide smile.

“K, my turn! Zayn, truth or dare?” chirped Verlyssa.


“Which of the guys do you want to make out with right now?”

“Uh, Ian is a really good looking guy…” Zayn trailed off.


“Shut up Barbie, I have a girlfriend,” Zayn muttered. He looked up at me. “Kieran, truth or dare?”

“Um, dare,” I said. I didn’t even know I was playing this game.

“I dare you to make out with Harry Styles.”

“WHAT?!” I cried. “NO WAY!”

Olly and Louis started laughing uncontrollably and Cameron gave me a thumbs-up. I looked over at Ian helplessly and he just shrugged. He was too wasted to remember what I previously told him.

Harry gave me puppy dog eyes but I could tell he was drunk. I groaned and walked over to Harry, sat down beside him and leaned in. His lips touched mine and locked, we started moving in synch. His hand cupped my cheek and my arms wrapped around his next and my fingers got tangled in his hair. I could hear the people around us cough awkwardly but Harry and I didn’t break our embrace.

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