16. The Prank War Begins

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Dedicated to personally_me because she won't update her story unless I do.

“And then Liam didn’t close the door and the driver guy turned really fast and Caleb literally tumbled out of the car,” Niall laughed as he retold the story to Eleanor and Cameron.

We were all sitting in a booth at the back of a Nando’s. A couple of girls had already come and asked for an autograph with One Direction and surprisingly, some wanted autographs from my band too.

“You’re becoming famous, babe,” Harry teased me.

“Babe?” I asked. “Who said you could call me babe?”

Harry’s face instantly fell. “I just though, uh well…” He shrugged his shoulders sheepishly.

“I was kidding,” I laugh, bumping shoulders with him.


Liam and Caleb had gone to put in our orders for us as they came back smirking and laughing. I had a feeling they had planned something evil.

“Food should be ready soon,” Liam said, sitting down.

“But Niall ordered so much it should at least take a little bit,” Eleanor pointed out.

“The dude taking the orders was flirting with Liam the entire time,” announced Caleb.

Liam shot daggers at him. “I can’t help it if he finds me attractive,” he pouted.

“Danielle’s got competition,” laughed Zayn.

“Oh please,” scoffed Eleanor. “All Liam does is think about Dani. She’s the only one his mind.”

Liam blushed.

“AW LEE-YUM,” screeched Louis.

“STAWP IT LOU,” Eleanor screeched back.

“Oh my gosh, this is great!” Niall said out of nowhere in a nasally voice.

“Uh I’m going to go check on the food,” Caleb stood up shaking his head.


Caleb made a rude gesture at Louis who gasped.


Louis got up and followed him and we heard them bickering as they went to get the food. Liam quickly got up and followed them too.

“They are such children,” Harry commented.

“Harry what are you talking about?” Niall questioned. “You act like that most of the time too…”

“Shhhh,” Harry said looking over quickly at me. “You can’t just call me a child in front of my girlfriend Niall Horan! That’s not fair!”

“Point proven,” Zayn said, pointing out Harry’s childishness.

Harry started grumbling to himself but I just laughed. I gave him a quick peck on his cheek and he smiled up at me through his eyelashes. His green eyes were mesmerizing and I was falling deeply into them. I heard cough loudly and I was pulled back to reality. I could feel the blush creeping onto my face as everyone at the table gave each other knowing looks. Everyone just laughed and Harry smirked. He probably enjoyed having that kind of power over me.

Louis, Liam and Caleb were returning to the table with all of our food and drinks. They gave us all our chicken burgers and drinks and smiled mischievously at each other.

“Wait!” Louis shouted just as I was about to take a bite of my food. “I want to make a toast, to living our dreams!” He shouted as he stuck his burger in the air. We all did the same before biting into our food at the same time.

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