10. Game On!

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 “I call dibs on being team captain!” Louis shouted.

“I want to be the other captain!” Zayn announced. “Wait, who’s playing?”

Most of us decided to play but Verlyssa opted out of it. She said she’d rather ref the game.

“Does she even know how to ref?” Niall whispered to me and I stifled my laughter.

After Louis and Zayn picked their teams, we all decided to walk to the park nearest to the hotel. Luckily there was soccer nets set up already. The teams were Louis, Harry, Olly, Caleb, Niall, and Eleanor versus, Zayn, Liam, Ian, Lucas, Cameron and me.

“You guys are going to lose!” Liam shouted, getting his competitive gear on.

They had somehow managed to protrude a soccer ball out of thin air. Fortunately for us, there were no teenage girls at the park at that time.

“THREE, TWO, ONE.” Verlyssa counted down and immediately Liam had the ball. He ran up the field and passed the ball to Zayn who tripped and lost it.

“WATCH THE BALL ZAYN!” Liam yelled.

Harry had stolen the ball from Zayn and was running towards our side. I made a split second decision to charge after him. Not expecting it at all, I stole the ball from Harry and dribbled it back to the other side. Olly tried to block my way but I feinted to the right and ran left when he least expected it.

“GO FOR THE GOAL KIERAN!” Ian screamed at me.

The other team had put Caleb in goal without realizing how terrible he was at soccer. I took my shot and it went in easily.

“WHOOOO,” I cheered as my teammates came over and hugged me.

“Where’d you learn to play like that?” Liam asked me.

“I played a lot of sports back in school,” I grinned.

We ran back to our positions to resume the game.

Caleb kicked the ball to Olly who started running down the field. Half way to our goal, he tripped over Cameron who had fallen because he tripped over his own feet while running towards Olly.

“Ouch you fatty!” Cam exclaimed. “I think you broke me.”

“Are you okay Cam?” Verlyssa called from the sidelines, concerning filling her face. Cam gave her a thumbs-up and continued the game.

Louis currently had the ball and he passed it to Eleanor who started running. Ian tried to block ball from entering the goal but she ended up kicking him in the balls and scoring.

“Owwww,” Ian screeched as he rolled around on the ground clutching his pants. Eleanor kept apologizing while he screamed that it was a foul.

Ian kicked the ball back out into the middle field and it was immediately taken by Louis.

“IAN!!!” I heard Liam yell.


Cam dashed towards Louis and the ball and slid tackled the ball away. He ended up tripping Louis who fell over onto his face.

“OUCH!” wailed Louis.

The game got even more violent as Liam attempted for a breakaway but was stopped when Niall and Olly both slammed into him. The both pulled him to his feet but Liam had a dazed look on his face. He shook it off and resumed the game.

“You okay Li?” I called.

“Yeah,” he said, shaking and rubbing his head.

He chased after Olly who had the ball and managed to steal it from him. Liam passed to ball over to Zayn but he wasn’t even paying attention.

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