17. Just The Beginning

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The next couple of shows went by pretty quickly. No one was pranked but I had a feeling someone was planning something big. We had slowly gathered a decent sized fan base throughout our performances on the tour. The show tonight was going to be our last and everyone was a bit emotional. My relationship with Harry hadn't progressed much. We were all extremely busy and we never had much time to actually go on a date. Whenever we spent time alone together, it was either his or my room and all we did was make out.

"Harry, stop," I said breathlessly, trying to push him off of me. We were having an intense make out session but I was getting tired of just making out with him. There was no substance to the relationship at this point, it was purely physical. And I wasn't into those types of relationships.

"What?" He mumbled. His eyes lingered on my lips.

I groaned. How could I stop kissing him if he kept looking at me like that. The lust was so evident in his eyes that I couldn't help myself. I brought his lips back down to mine, running my fingers through his hair. Some of my fingers got tangled in his curls but I didn't make an effort to remove them. Our lips moved in sync and I could feel his tongue trace a line on my lower lip, seeking for entrance. I granted his request and I could taste him. He was hot in my mouth and there was a fresh minty taste. His tongue explored my mouth and it felt nice. I moan slightly into the kiss and finally, pull back to breathe.

"We need to stop," I murmur.

"What? I'm sorry, I can't hear you." I could tell he was smiling.


He sighed dramatically and crawled off me. "I can't help it if you are a good kisser." He pouted.

"Sometimes, I think you only want me for my body."

"Yeah I do."

I smacked his head and he went toppling off the bed. I couldn't help it; I bursted out laughing hysterically. Harry picked himself off the bed, all dignity lost. He glared at me before he pounced. I felt the bed shaking as Harry repeatedly bounced up and down while tickling me. There was a knock at our door and then I heard Louis' obnoxious voice.

"I could hear you two banging from the room next door! I hope you're being safe!"

"Shut up, Louis!" both Harry and I shouted at the same time.

I ran to the door and pulled it open. I saw Louis and behind him were Eleanor, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Ian, Cameron and Caleb. I raised my eyebrows at them and they all looked back at me shamefully, except Louis who was grinning like a mad man. They all turned slightly to look behind me so turned around, too. Harry stood there, in his boxers with no shirt on, smirking. I felt the blush creep onto my face as I stared at Harry's abs.

Louis' smirk grew even wider when he saw shirtless Harry.

"Harry," I gritted my teeth. "When did you conveniently lose your shirt and pants?"

"When you were about to give me that bl-"


I glared at him. "We didn't do anything!"

"So Harry just lost all his clothing when we came?" Eleanor smirked.


Harry started laughing uncontrollably. There were tears in his eyes as he looked up. "I just stripped before you all came," he admitted.

"Harry!" Liam slapped his arm.

I glared at Harry before shoving him out of my room while he was still wearing boxers. Then I shut the door on him. I leaned back against the back of the door. There was a roar of laughter coming from outside and then Harry started banging on the door.

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