11. Enchanted

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I woke up the next morning to find Harry Styles staring down at my face.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” I screamed and he jumped back.

He had a wary expression on his face. “What was that?”

“You scared me!” I gasped. “What are you doing here, who let you in?”

I looked over at Eleanor who was picking out her clothes for the day and she shrugged her shoulders. I looked back at Harry and waited for his answer.

“Um, Els let me in…” he mumbled and Eleanor shot daggers at him.

“I didn’t know he was going to scare you,” she stated.

I shrugged my shoulders and got out of bed. Harry followed me.

“Can I talk to you?” he asked pulling me out into the hall while I was still wearing my pyjamas.

“Harry…” I protested but he dragged me to an empty stairwell. He took a deep breath and looked at me.

“I remember what happened two nights ago…” he started.

I groaned and interrupted him. “Look, that was just a dare, we can pretend like nothing happened if you want and then maybe things will go back to normal.”

“Pretend like nothing happened…?” Harry asked, confusion settling in on his features.

“That’s what you did the last couple of times we kissed, why should this be any different?”

“I— I don’t know,” Harry said, lamely. “I just thought maybe…” He trailed off and looked down at the floor. “I like you Kieran, I really do,” he whispered.

I didn't say anything.

“Will you go out on a date with me?” Harry Styles asked me.

I looked at him and while my heart told me to say no, my head was screaming yes.

“Y-yes,” I stammered. I took a deep breath and smiled up at him. “I’d love to go out on a date with you Harry.”

His face instantly lit up and he pulled me in for a huge hug.

“Lunch date, right now?” he asked me.


I went back to my room to get ready. I brushed my teeth, fixed up my hair, applied a little makeup and decided on what to wear. I chose a floral pattern dress that I had bought from American Eagle and added a brown belt around my waist to emphasize my small figure. I pulled on my brown combat boots and looked in the mirror.

“You look fine,” Eleanor called from inside the bedroom. She came out and admired my outfit choice. “Only you would wearing something like this for a date.”

“WHAT?! Who said I was going on a date?” I cried.

Eleanor laughed. “Lou told me that Harry was planning on asking you out and when you rushed in to get ready, I knew he had asked,”

There was a knock at our door and I went to open it. It was Harry, he had changed into a white shirt and a pair of beige slacks. I never realized how good looking he was until now. He smiled at me and his dimples showed.

“Ready to go?” he asked me and held out his arm.

I took it and after saying goodbye to Eleanor, we left the hotel. There was a shiny, black vehicle waiting for us outside and Harry opened the door for like a gentleman and helped me in. There was a couple of fans that asked for autographs but Harry ignored them and climbed inside with me.

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