3. The Chase Begins

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We all sat in Caleb’s living room, chatting with the boys with the boys for a bit.

“So what interested all of you in pursuing a musical career?” Liam asked us.

“I started singing as soon as I could speak. I used to sing karaoke with my mom and her friends,” Caleb said sheepishly. “Then, when I turned 14, I decided to learn guitar and now I’m bass for our band.”

“It started with me wanting to become famous,” Ian said. “I tried acting at first but it didn’t really work out. However, my parents had made me learn guitar since I was 6. I’ve been playing now for over 10 years and it just comes naturally.”

It was Cameron’s turn to explain why he wanted to be a musician. “People look up to you and idolize you. I wanted to be a role model for guys since I never had a role model to follow myself.” Myself and the boys of Paradise Falls all knew that Cameron never met his father. He smiled shyly. Wait a second, Cameron acting shy?!

“And now you know why he’s partially brain dead,” Ian drawled. “No one taught him when he was a kid. All he got were piano lessons.” We all laughed.

“So Kieran, Lucas, what made you two want to be performers?” Zayn questioned.

“Uh, it’s complicated. My family wants me to join the family business of being business people but I guess it wasn’t really my thing,” I looked down. I absolutely hated talking about my family. “My family and I don’t get along well at all. The only one I can actually confide in his my younger brother who’s not even living in the same country as me right now. I guess I wanted to be a musician because I feel that music is a way to express myself and relieve stress ha ha.” I looked up and everyone had sympathetic expressions, including my boys who I had already told the story to.

“Well said Kiers, very well said. Music is our way of interacting with people. The songs we write are from our souls,” Caleb smiled. “Lucas, time to fess up. Why did you become a musician?”

“Because I had nothing else to do and I liked playing the drums and banging things.” Lucas’ eyes widened in horror as he realized what he had just said.

By that time we were are dying with laughter. Harry and Louis were on the ground rolling around, literally ROFL. Caleb and Liam were cracking up, slapping each other on the back. Ian had tears in his eyes, Cameron had laughed so hard he decided to ruffle Zayn’s hair. Zayn was currently at the mirror trying to fix his do. Meanwhile, Niall had fallen over the back of the couch, nowhere to be seen.

I patted Lucas on the back. “Oh dear Luke, what are we going to do with you,” I said while laughing.

Lucas glared at me but even he cracked a smile.

“I’m sure you’d be quite the charmer Luke.” Louis gasped as he got off the floor still in hysterics. “That was the bloody best thing I had heard all day.”

Cameron and Ian were already whispering to each other. They were never, ever going to let Lucas forget this slip.

As soon as everyone was calmed down, we all sat around the living room again. Niall had climbed back over the couch and Zayn was back from fixing his hair.

“So what does everyone want to do?” I asked cheerfully.

“Can we grab some lunch? I’m hungry!” Niall instantly replied.

“How about we get some shopping done too? There’s some stuff I need to pick up,” said Caleb.

Niall really wanted Nandos so we decided to go to the one near the mall.

“I’m driving our van!!” Louis announced.

“Hold on, we might need to take two cars. I doubt your van will seat all of us,” I responded.

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