12. Mall Madness

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Verlyssa, Eleanor and I walked to the food court where we spotted the boys eating some tacos. We walked over to them and sat down in the nearby tables.

“Hey, did you guys get a call from One Direction?” I asked them.

“Yeah apparently they’re on their way here now.” Caleb looked worried. “There are a lot of girls here; I hope nothing bad happens…”

At that moment, we saw Harry and Louis bounding over, Louis wearing his glasses and Harry with a beanie to cover his hair. A couple of steps back were Niall who wearing a fitted cap that had the Toronto Blue Jays logo on it and behind him came Zayn and Liam inconspicuously. They all arrived at our group at different times.

“Hello lads and ladies!” Louis announced.

“How was the interview?” asked Verlyssa.

“Excellent,” Zayn shot her a brilliant smile. “We talked about Harry getting naked.”

Harry glared at Zayn. “The innocent ladies do not need that astounding image in their head.”

Verlyssa laughed.

“Hey guys, let’s walk around for a bit!” interrupted Louis. We all got up and followed him. He led us into Armani Exchange and started browsing at some clothing.

“What do you think of this shirt?” he asked us, holding up a checkered shirt.

Zayn took a good, hard look at it. “That’s more Liam’s style,” he said. “Oi! Liam! Get your arse over here.”

Liam, Niall, Ian and Verlyssa had wandered off to the shoe section of the store while Harry, Lucas and Caleb were looking at pants. Cameron was chatting with one of the workers about maybe modelling for A/X and the worker was totally flirting with him. I saw Verlyssa shooting daggers with her eyes.

Liam came back over and checked out the shirt.

“It’s nice,” he said, taking it off Louis and measuring it against himself. “I’ll take it!”

Louis sighed loudly and dramatically and walked off to look for something else. Eleanor followed him which left Zayn, Liam and I standing there. I dragged Zayn over to the sunglasses and told him to help me choose out a nice pair.

“These aren’t that great,” he observed. “Come on, let’s go look for a nicer shop!” He grabbed on to my elbow and towed me out of the store.

“Going to look for sunglasses with Zayn, see you guys later!” I yelled.

And then I realized my mistake. As we stepped out of the store, there were at least a dozen teenage girls, frozen in their steps. They had clearly heard me shout that I was with Zayn. Uh oh.

“GUYS, FANS ARE OUTSIDE THE STORE. RUUUUUUUUUUUN!” Zayn screeched and he grabbed my hand and ran. The others chased after us and the fans started running too.

“We should split up to avoid being mobbed!” Ian yelled over the fans as we neared a section of the mall that divided into 3 different routes. I looked back and saw Niall, Cameron and Verlyssa go left. I turned my head a little and saw Liam and Caleb go right. That still left me, Zayn, Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Ian and Lucas running straight ahead. Most of the fans still chased after us.




We were all starting to get tired. Harry was now running beside me and I saw him give me a cheeky grin. I smiled back at him. We were nearing another crossroad now and Ian screamed for everyone to go separate ways.

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