6. The Tour Begins

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About a week after meeting the boys, we were standing on the stage we would be performing on that night. We were in Fairfax at the Patriot Center. The boys and I were overwhelmed. This was our first huge performance and we were ready to do this.

One Direction weren’t at the venue yet so we were just hanging around. I decided to walk outside around the location. We had shown up extra early and the show wasn’t until much later tonight. I spotted some girls outside already, sporting homemade One Direction t-shirts. I decided to greet them.

“Hey those are some really cool t-shirts,” I said walking up to them.

They eyed me suspiciously but the blond girl in the front answered me politely.

“Thanks,” she said. She smiled shyly at me.

“Are you guys excited for the show tonight?” I asked them.

“Of course we are! We’re so stoked!” the blond girl chattered excitedly.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name?” I asked.

“I’m Riley, this is Kayla and Jenni,” she said, pointing to her two friends.

“I saw you come out of the Patriot Center,” interjected Kayla rudely. “Why were you doing in there already?”

“Well I’m actually part of the band Paradise Falls, we’re opening for One Direction,” I explained.

“Oh my gosh, I knew you looked familiar!” cried Riley. “Can I please get a picture?”

I wasn’t used to this type of reaction from a random stranger.

“Sure,” I said.

Riley gave me her camera and I took a girlfriend photo with her. She also asked me to sign her a piece of paper which I did for her.

“I listened to some of your songs on YouTube and your band is actually brilliant. Love your songs!” she gushed. “Are they selling any merchandise for Paradise Falls?”

“Uh, I think there are photos of the band for us to sign for fans,” I told her.

“Okay thanks! I’ll be sure to get your stuff. Are One Direction here yet?”

“Nope, it’s way too early for them to be here.”

After saying my farewell to the girls, I walked further down the street. Our band wasn’t super famous so I didn’t have to worry about fans at all. I decided to have lunch by myself before going back to the arena. There was a little café that looked like it served some really great sandwiches so I went in and sat down.

I ordered a club sandwich and patiently waited for my food to arrive. A guy who looked about 20 years old slid into the seat across from me.

“Hey sweetheart, what’s a pretty face like you doing all alone?” He gave me a creepy perverted smile.

“I’m sorry but you have no chance,” I said impolitely. “I know guys like you and I’ll have you know now that I’m not interested.”

The guy smirked and faltered a little but he didn’t move. Instead, he called a waiter over and ordered a sandwich and coffee for himself.

“I’m just curious. What are you doing here alone? Girls that look like you are usually surrounded by all their friends and carrying expensive purses,” he asked me.

“Way to be judgemental…” I muttered.

The waiter brought my sandwich over as well as the stranger’s.

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