4. Lights Out

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Niall and I hung around downtown for a bit. We just walked aimlessly through the streets with no destination in mind. Half the time though, he was dragging me to every single food stand to see what they were selling.

“Look food over there!” Niall screamed again, dragging me over to the twelfth booth we’d seen. I sighed and went along with him.

“It’s just hotdogs Niall,” I said exasperated. It had been about an hour since we last saw the other boys. I took out my phone and texted Cameron.

Me: Where are you?

He texted me back almost instantly.

Cameron: Met some girls, just chilling with em now. Wanna meet up now?

I texted him back.

Me: I don’t think that would be such a good idea. Still hanging with Niall. Call you later once I find out what happened to Lou and Harry.

I didn’t get a response from Cameron after that so I guessed he was too busy flirting. I turned back to Niall but then realized he was gone. Uh oh.

“Niall?” I said out loud, and then I mentally slapped myself in the head. Did I really want to attract more fans?

I walked up the street but realized he wasn’t there. That was when I heard some commotion in an alley. I quickly ran to see what was going on.

When I got there, Niall was surrounded by four girls who were just talking to him. He looked pretty relaxed and there wasn’t a huge crowd around him so I didn’t do anything. The girls wanted a photo with him so I stepped into the alley and offered to take it.

“Thanks so much!” a girl said as I handed her phone back to her. She and her friends gave me knowing looks.

“Is this your girlfriend?” one of them asked Niall.

“Nah, we’re just friends. We’re going on tour soon and her band is one of our opening acts,” replied Niall.

“Seriously?! Oh my gosh, you are one of the luckiest girls alive! I am so jealous of you!” they gushed.

“Uh thanks. Honestly, I’m not used to this sort of response but I really appreciate it! Hopefully we’ll see you at one of the shows!” I said excitedly.

After the fans left, Niall looked at me.

“Not all our fans are crazy psychopaths like that waitress back at the café,” he noted.

I responded with a smile. Hanging out with Niall was like hanging out with one of the guys in my band, except he was super famous. He really was such a sweet guy. Niall’s phone started ringing.

“Hello?” he said into it. “Yeah, we are on Main St.” He looked at me for confirmation. I nodded. “Alright, just let us get Cam and we’ll meet you there.” Niall hung up his phone.

He looked at me. “That was Harry. Him and Louis ditched the fans and are coming back for us.”

“Mission accomplished?” I said.

“Yeah I guess you could say that,” laughed Niall.

I quickly called Cameron and we met him back at the hat shop. Louis and Harry pulled up shortly.

“Did you guys miss me?” Louis grinned.

“Ugh I wished I stayed back here instead.” Harry shot Louis a murderous yet playful glare. “Lou got us lost three times. We had to pull up to a convenience store and ask for directions, risking another confrontation with fans.”

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