Chapter 1 - New Begining

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On a breezy September morning in Woodlat, the students of the West Eye college are preparing to finally meet their roommates as well as their classmates. As the guides of the college are taking people to their rooms, the front of the college dorm building becomes more empty. 

"Crap I hope I'm not late" whines Mia as she arrives to an empty parking lot. 

"Thanks for dropping me off mam" she says while she hurries over to one of the guides who is headed out of the main reception. 

"Excuse me!" shouts Mia as she rushes towards the guide. He turns around and faces Mia. As he does he smiles.

"What can I help you with?" he asks.

"Am I late for the dorm room signing up?" Mia questions. The guide shakes his head and directs Mia to where she can get her room assigned. She follows him and lets out the biggest sigh of relief. 

After a few moments of filling out paper work she is directed to her room. 

"You will be sharing a room with someone called Syn Inverse. If there's any problems report them to the main office." the guide smiles as they arrive at the dorm room. He hands Mia the key and waves her goodbye.  Mia shakes off her nerves and takes a deep breath before heading into the room.

Mia struggles with her suitcase inside and that's when a small silhouette runs up to her and helps her. Before she could figure out what is happening her suitcase is on the other side of the room. She looked around trying to regain her thoughts. 

"Sorry. I should have asked whether you needed my help. I'm Syn by the way." mumbled Syn nervously. Mia looked at the small, friendly looking person in front of her. Mia smiled.

"Its alright. I'm Mia" Mia replied cheerfully. 

"Do you want me to help you carry all of that into the room?" Syn questioned while pointing at the boxes behind the door. Mia smiled and they both headed out to bring the boxes in. 

~~Next Day~~

Mia's alarm viciously woke her up the next morning. After turning her alarm off, Mia looked around the room with confusion. She finally figured out where she was and started getting ready for her class.

Mia arrived eagerly to class early hoping the classroom would be open however it was locked which annoyed her a bit but she soon spotted a tall, young man heading towards her. 

"It's shut" she giggled as the young man tried to open it. He chuckled softly and faced her.

"Someone's eager" he smiled. Mia grinned back at him.

"Could say the same about you" Mia stated. They both let out a smile

"I'm Harvey by the way" he introduced himself.

"I'm Mia" she replied. They shook hands and stood there for a short while speaking. Then the rest of the class arrived. They all entered the classroom together and sat random places. Mia and Harvey sat next to each other in the middle of the class. 

Soon a new face appeared in the classroom late. Everyone turned around to see who it was

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