7: Double Date?✔️

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Music: Prelude (VIP edit) - TheFatRat

09:57am: Station Square

"No." Those words left Jayde's lips as soon as Amy had finished her small speech.

The pink female pouted, "Why not?" Amy already knew that it wasn't going to be easy to get Jayde to agree to go on a double date with her and Sonic tonight. It wasn't in Jayde's nature to go on a date. Heck, it took Amy ages to convince Sonic to agree to this but once he heard her full plan he immediately agreed.

"1: because I don't have a date and 2: because I don't like fancy restaurants or anything preppy." Jayde muttered, drinking a bit of her milkshake. At the best of times Jayde was uncomfortable having unknown males come up and try to talk to her, and now Amy wanted her to go on a double date?

Amy smirked, "1: I already have a date picked out for you and 2: the place we are eating isn't even that fancy."

"Amy, you want me to wear a – wait a second, did you just say you already picked out a date for me?" The pink hedgehog nodded, "Who?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise." Jayde groaned, smacking her head on the table, causing a few Mobians to look at her weirdly, "C'mon, all you have to do is show up and look happy."

"Yeah, cause it's easy to look happy when you're uncomfortable." Jayde muttered, "I don't even have a dress – not that I want to wear one but still!"

Amy took a sip of her drink, "Why do you think I invited you to Station Square to meet up?" azure eyes widened but before Jayde could protest the pink female spoke again, "And don't worry, I'm not going to make you come and pick. I've asked Rouge to help me out with that – all I need is your size."

Jayde sighed, "I don't remember agreeing to this."

The cerise female pouted, "Please, Jayde? C'mon, what have you got to lose?"

All my street cred, Jayde thought but didn't say it, "Amy I have a mission tomorrow I need to prepare for – my first official mission from GUN."

Amy looked at her, "Jayde, you're gonna do great! You'll have Shadow and Rouge by your side, you've got invisibility and amazing combat skills! And plus it's only going to be an hour or two!"

Jayde huffed, slumping down on the chair and whispered a tiny, "Fine." Amy literally leapt in the air, squealing with happiness. What have I gotten myself into?


"Faker, I swear, if you don't leave me alone I'm going to punch you so hard I'll knock you out for a week."

Sonic immediately stopped poking Shadow's arm at his threat, "So?"


Sonic slumped in the chair before stretching out in it, "Why not?"

"Because I do not wish to participate in your and Amy's date." Shadow muttered, filling in the finishing touches of the pre-mission paperwork. Sonic watched him neaten them up before placing them in a folder.

Sonic placed his hands on the table, expressing his words, "It's not a date, it's a double date – it works with four people."

Shadow looked at him, "Yeah, and those four people do not include me." Sonic huffed. How was he supposed to get the stubborn Ultimate Lifeform to go on a double date with him and Amy? The only reason he agreed to it was because of the pink hedgehog's plan – and man, was that girl smart.

Everyone in the group knew that Shadow and Jayde had a thing for one another. Even Cream knew and she's a kid! All it would take was a push – and Amy seemed to have that push. The only thing that bothered the blue blur was rushing them into it. You can't force something upon others, even if you wished for it to happen. Especially something like love.

Sonic's eyes brightened, "What about if I told you who you're date was?"

The ebony hedgehog rolled his orbs and crossed his arms, "Then it wouldn't be what you called 'a surprise' would it?"

Sonic stood, "Hey, Amy was the one who said she wouldn't tell Jayde who her date was-" his orbs widened and he slapped a hand over his mouth. This caught Shadow's attention – they were setting him up with the Protector?

"Wait, it's Jayde?" Sonic nodded however Shadow still remained silent. The Ultimate Lifeform's feelings were confusing for Jayde. She was a comrade, an ally. Someone who fights beside him, for him - sometimes even against him. But she was also his friend. She was there for him no matter what. She was the childish, playful female in his life who somehow always made him smile.

It made her his liability.

"So... does that change your mind?" Sonic asked, poking at a ornament on Shadow's side with a bobbing head.

He crossed his arms, "No." He mumbled, not entirely sure with his answered.

"Are you sure?"

"No." Shadow was surprised at his own comment. He didn't truly know if he could go on a double date with the secret couple. If people saw this they may start assuming things – clearly that was something that didn't bother the blue hedgehog. But if the wrong people saw this, it put Jayde in danger. They would see she was close to him – closer than anyone. It made her a target.

"Look, Shadow. You like Jayde – we can all see it even if you won't admit it and that's a given. Stop being the Ultimate Crybaby and just enjoy the night. It doesn't have to mean anything. Hang out with Jayde platonically." Sonic stated.

Shadow scoffed and looked at his blue counterpart, "I'll remember that next time you run away from Rose." Sonic crossed his arms and looked away.

"Not the point. Entirely different situation." he said before looking back at the ebony male, "So, are you in or out?"

Shadow looked away, "No." He couldn't.

Sonic walked up in front of him this time and crossed his arms, "And why not this time?" The Ultimate Lifeform glared at the blue hedgehog, "We all know you like her."

The thing is, Shadow knew he liked her. He knew that Jayde was the one part missing from his life. She was the light at the end of his dark tunnel and she was the one that could make him smile and forget the past for a while. But that doesn't mean it still won't hurt when he has to let her go.

"Why won't you be with Jayde? Why won't you hang out with us – what are you so afraid of, Shadow?" the azure hero asked, his voice rising slightly.

"And that doesn't change the fact that if I did become serious with her that I'd have to watch her die!" Shadow snapped, his true feelings finally coming through. He gritted his teeth and quickly looked away from Sonic as emerald eyes widened. Everything made sense now. Shadow was immortal – everyone he loved would eventually be gone from his life and he'd return the same he was before.

Sonic sighed, "Everyone dies, Shadow."

"I don't want to have to watch her perish in front of me. Have you ever known what it's like to have someone you care about more than anything die right before you?"

Sonic chuckled slightly and sat on the dinning chair, "I've seen many friends die in front of my eyes. I've watched them take their final breath... but that doesn't mean I shouldn't let people close. I'm just thankful that I got to be with them in the time they were here – and so should you."

Shadow didn't turn and continued staring at the kitchen counter, not moving. Jayde was special and how could he lose someone like her? The ebony hedgehog knew his rival was right though. Sonic stood up and nudged the Ultimate Lifeform gently, "So, whaddya say?"

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