23: Argument✔️

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Music: What I've Done - Linkin Park (instrumental)

03:37: Rouge's place

"Where else can we go?" the cerise hedgehog asked, placing an ice pack on the blue blur's wrist. After Torrent had left, the three males had chaos controlled back to Rouge's small home. Tails left not long ago to release Jayde before she became any angrier. They knew that being here for too long would give the male an easier chance on kidnapping Jayde.

They all had to find somewhere to lay low while they figured out a plan.

"I don't know. All I know is that Jayde is going to beat Shadow up." Sonic's emerald orbs rolled before he looked over to the said male, "You didn't need to lock her up, dude."

Rubies scowled at the speedy hedgehog, "If I didn't, she would've followed us and put herself in danger. I was trying to protect her!"

"How; by putting her in more danger?" the hero muttered, wincing slightly as Amy tended to his bruises. Shadow growled at him, fists clenched and ears pinned back. But deep down, he knew Sonic was right. He had put Jayde in more danger.

Rouge sighed and pulled the ebony male to sit with her. Shadow put his head in his hands as the female spoke, "Sunshine, you need to stop underestimating her. We all know you care for her and want to protect her, but sometimes you need to think about how she feels about what you're doing."

Jade eyes looked at the two agents before sitting the other side of Shadow, "Jayde is a strong, independent hedgehog who just needs a little help sometimes." Amy spoke, "Even if it is a good thing, if you keep protecting her, and do not let her fight herself, you will lose that trust she has in you."

Shadow knew the girls were right but wouldn't dare bring himself to say it. What he did was wrong; he knows that now because without her, no plan involving Torrent will work. When he and Rouge were without her, they failed. Even though they didn't complete the mission with her, they still got more information than they could by them self. The two other males didn't know how Shadow was going to face Jayde when she came at him, but they didn't have to wait long to find out. Rouge's front door burst open, slamming against the wall behind it, revealing a livid looking female. The twin tailed fox appeared right behind her, breathing heavily.

"Jayde, you killed Tails." Sonic spoke but was cut short laughing as Jayde glared at him, clearly not in the mood for jokes.

"So, that's what you go and do? Lock me in a cage while you go and face the enemy yourself? Sorry, am I not good enough for your team?" Jayde snapped, walking around the sofa and standing in front of the male who hadn't even flinched at her entrance. Around them, the four Mobians stepped back, watching as they scene unveiled in front of them. The only thing Jayde could get from Shadow listening was an ear flick. But the ebony hedgehog had known this was coming. Whatever they had built up between them had surely been destroyed.

"We were supposed to work as a team; me, you, Sonic and Tails. Why do you trap me - why not Sonic or Tails?" Shadow still didn't move from his position so Jayde took another daring step closer, "Torrent isn't someone you can face alone. You need me there because I am the only one who knows how he works."


Jayde growled, "Shadow!"

Everyone around them had stayed quiet, watching as the Protector glared at the male in front. Physically, her body was exhausted from struggling to get out the cage – but mentally she was raging. And Shadow staying mute was not helping her Dark form, "What do you want me to do? Do you want me to leave you alone?" She clenched her fists, swallowing thickly.

She knew she should've never gotten close to people.

"I didn't mean it to be a bad thing," Shadow mumbled, "I did it to keep you away."

"Keep me away from what - my job?" Jayde scoffed, "You know that Torrent is dangerous, you've seen what he is capable of. I'm a Protector, Shadow, I'm not weak!"

The Ultimate Lifeform abruptly stood up, fisting his hands, "You are around that monster. You are vulnerable and I'm not having you taken over again!"

Jayde growled, "I don't care! It's my job to stop Torrent as well. I have the shards and I can stop him. You can't protect me forever!"

"I can. And I will keep you locked in that cage forever if it means you don't hurt your friends again," Shadow snapped. The grey female flinched at his word, them piercing into her like a knife. The way he said them – as if it were her fault, "You are dangerous and that's why I'm around you all the time!"

Jayde took a step back, gasps filling the room from their observing friends, "Shadow!" Rouge snapped. Ruby orbs widened at what he said, reaching out to grab the Protector but she ran.

An angry growl left her. She was a threat to everyone – of course he was right. Everything they had been through seemed like a lie. Shadow didn't really care for her because he saw her as the enemy – he was only there to keep an eye on her and nothing more. Shadow ran out after her, quickly followed by their friends. What he just said was completely wrong. He loved her. There was no way he was only around her because she could be a danger. He didn't care that she could be a danger to him.

A hand grasped Jayde's wrist, yanking her back into wet fur, "Renee, stop."

"No! I am a threat to you! You don't care about you and you never did!" Jayde yelled. For the first time, even in the rain, Shadow could clearly see the stream of tears running down her muzzle. His heart burned to see her that way.

"Shut up! I do care!" he snapped, trying to keep her still, "Let me talk to you!"

Jayde's ears bent back, trying to pull away from the male in front of her. This was it. She should've seen this coming from the very start; she should've been prepared for this.

"You don't care! You said it yourself - I'm a danger to everyone!" Jayde shouted, "No one ever stays – it's why you shouldn't get close to people. They always leave in the end!"

But Shadow took her by surprise and he gloved fingers gripped her muzzle before firmly pressing his lips against hers angrily. Jayde was frozen, eyes wide as she stared at the eyelids of the male in front of her. She could just hear the squeals of the two girls behind them... but she couldn't...

Shadow pulled away, "I will never leave you," he whispered, opening his rubies to stare into her sapphires. Their noses touched, "I will always be by your side. I still remember when we met, when I caught you. Every time I look at you, it's like the first time. I can't lose you... not again. Not like..." he swallowed, trying to sort out his words, "Not like Maria. You're... you're too important to me."

A small whimper left Jayde, before her arms slowly wrapped around his neck, resting her muzzle on his shoulder as she silently cried. Shadow was quick to return the hug, locking his arms tightly around her waist, lifting her off the ground slightly, "You're the best thing that's ever been mine, Renee." He whispered.

Behind them, the rose hedgehog punched Sonic on his bruised arm out of excitement, a flinch coming from him, "I knew it!" she yelled.

"This is great and all," Knuckles said, still fazed about what just happened, "But didn't you say someone was coming to get us?!"

Shadow's orbs widened and he put Jayde back on the ground, leaving her confused, "Torrent is after us." He spoke, "We need a place to lay low for a bit until we figure out what's going on."

Jayde knew a place that Torrent didn't. No one here knew where that place was except for her. It was a big leap but sometime you need to put your friends' safety first. She swallowed, "I know a place." The grey female took the red Chaos Emerald from Shadow's quills as everyone surrounded her. She took a breath, not know whether she could do this or not. A hand gently grasp hers, making her smile slightly. She breathed again shakily before whispering those infamous words, "Chaos control."

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