12: Revelation✔️

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Music: Rubik - Distrion

Jayde leapt through a gap in the base, leaving her board to rest on the roof. She glanced down the empty hallway, frowning at the lack of guards. It wasn't like him to not surround himself with them. A metal on metal clunk made her jump and turn to face the Ultimate Lifeform who held an angry look on his face. Jayde swallowed and knew she had some explaining to do but that wouldn't help either of them in this situation, "What's going on Jayde?"

Azure looked back down the hall, "What are you doing here, Shadow? This isn't the plan."

"You running off isn't the plan either." Shadow stepped closer, caging her against the wall with his arms, "Tell me what's going on."

Jayde scowled at him, pushing him away, "If I told you right now it isn't going to help either of us." She snapped, "We need to get to the control room and find him." She started walking down the hallway after analysing the dead cameras, the ebony male directly behind her.

"You're hiding something – whatever it is, isn't good. I think it best if you told me." Shadow said, shrugging his GUN jacket on again.

Jayde tugged at the selves of her own and continued, "And I think it best if I didn't. You need to trust me on this one." Shadow wanted to pushed further but begrudgingly growled and let it go – for now.

The grey female scanned around, looking for the right door. It always had a strange logo printed on the metal, sort of like an upside down arrow with a diamond in the middle. Shadow frowned as she pushed open the door, revealing the control room, "Should I know how you know this?"

"Don't question something you can't handle, Shades." She sighed. Jayde grabbed a dagger form her GUN belt, avoiding a look from Shadow, before throwing it straight into the shut down switch. The machine crackled and sparked with the intruder before it short circuited, and the whole place went dark. As Jayde lit up the area with the light trails from her palms, she looked over at Shadow with a slight fear in her – now he knew. Ruby orbs were wide, but that soon turned into a scowl. Jayde didn't want to hear anything and quickly rushed up the stairs to the room above, Shadow immediately behind her.

As soon as they reach the top, an evil laugh reached their ears. Jayde tensed as a chair turned in its position and the enemy was revealed, "I must say, Jayde, you still have the skills I know you for."

Shadow looked at the female beside him confused, but she spoke before he could, "Torrent." Her fists clenched beside her, more light trails smoking around her.

"Who knew you would work for my enemy? You really are a traitor." The dark green male spoke, his canines showing.

Jayde's ear twitched, "I wasn't a traitor, you tried to destroy innocent people. I told you I wouldn't stand around and let you do that."

"They destroyed my clan!"

"No, they didn't! You don't know who did, you only know their colleagues! You can't blame people for what happened when they weren't involved!" Jayde yelled back, making Shadow flinch. This Dark Creature was doing exactly what Shadow had done and wanted to kill those who took everything away from him. The only difference was that the bat didn't seem to want to stop.

Torrent chuckled, "You're so argumentative – that's what I like about you Jayde. You know what's right – however you just don't know when to stop." The bat looked towards Shadow who was watching the conversation between them, "Hello again, Shadow. Say, has Jayde ever told you how she knows me?"

"Shut up, Torrent. He doesn't need to know." Jayde snapped, glaring at the bat.

"Oh, but he does."

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