9: Date Night✔️

519 17 7

Music: Entropy - Distrion
[A/N: Sorry about the uncharacteristic Shadow in this chapter!]

Jayde sighed in annoyance, slumping back in her chair as she watched the couple in front of her chat and giggle between each other. Why did she agree to this again? Oh, that's right. The rose female had begged and begged her to irritation – yet she was still sat here, awkward and bored out of her mind.

The idea of a double date was already a bad idea to her, but she didn't know whether it got better or worse when she saw Sonic standing there outside the restaurant with none other than Shadow the Hedgehog himself. The hog she had recently kissed. Man, that was so out of character. The grey quilled female had no idea how Sonic was able to get the Ultimate Lifeform to agree but she didn't particularly want to find out what would happen to him after this one sided proposal. She might be attending a funeral soon.

The ebony male sat beside her, a glare on his face and arms crossed against his chest. He didn't look too pleased to be sat here either. Fun, he thought, I'll kill him after, and that will be fun.

The two in front had dragged them to a fancy restaurant, which Amy promised it wouldn't be. And for Jayde's attire, Amy had produced a cross strapped jade coloured dress that showed her natural curves. The pink hedgehog had also combed through Jayde's quills and recreated her mature style and curled the ends of her quills.

Jayde hated everything about herself right now.

She practically had to fight Amy to avoid make up. However, the Ultimate Lifeform didn't complain and had no problem checking her out when they walked up to them earlier. Jayde wouldn't admit it, but the ebony hedgehog did look pretty handsome in a tux as well. His white shirt was half open, revealing his fluffy chest fur.

Jayde rolled her orbs at something Sonic whispered to his pink counterpart and looked away; coughing slightly, "Don't want to know what those two are doing later." A small chuckled resonated from the male beside her which was the first thing she had heard from him all night. Sonic glared at the grey hedgehog but nudged Amy slightly.

"So, Jayde," she asked, taking a sip of her complementary drink, "How's your dating life right now?"

Oh, was that a hint? Very funny, Rose. Shadow grunted.

"Single and free like a bird." Jayde muttered in response, keeping it short and simple, clearly showing she wasn't in the mood for this.

Sonic grinned, "So, you're ready to be caught and caged?"

The female's nose scrunched up, "Ew, no."

The blue hedgehog chuckled slightly and Amy turned towards the male in front of her, "What about you, Shadow?"

The Ultimate Lifeform cleared his throat, "I'd rather not talk about this pointless subject. I've more important things to do than being tied down to something." He spoke, giving no room for argument. Sonic and Amy glanced at each other, knowing that this wouldn't be easy.

"Ditto." Jayde breathed, taking a sip of her drink before spitting it back into the glass and pulling a disgusted face, "What, does this place serve pee or something?"

"Jayde!" Amy hissed. The Protector shrugged, not caring that this was a fancy place or not.

Sonic chuckled at the female in front of him. Jayde wasn't the type of person who wanted to be in a fancy place like this. The blue hedgehog had already had his fair share of what would be described as 'proper' so this wasn't a big deal to him. But that's what he admired about Jayde – no matter where she was, she didn't care what others thought of her. Those emerald orbs widened, "I have a great idea!"

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