22: Weaknesses Discovered✔️

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Music: The Munsta - SCNDL

01:38: Monopole

The Ultimate Lifeform glared up at the Mobian above him, a powerful cube in his grasp. The ebony hedgehog knew that the only way to stop Torrent was to take the Phantom Cube, leaving him defenceless – but that was easier said than done. Sonic stared up at the lifeform, but he knew that this was a bad idea. Without Jayde, they had no plan, no attack formation, "Shadow, why did you decide to do this without Jayde?!" He hissed to the hedgehog beside him. Emerald orbs glanced back at his twin tailed brother who watched the battle from afar, trying to calculate the best way to gain the upper hand.

But he shook his head at his older brother, coming up clueless. Sonic had warned him to stay away at the beginning of the battle, just in case Torrent pulled what Infinite did before.

"I won't put Renee in danger again, Faker."

"It won't matter if she's in danger because we are all in danger, Shadow!" Sonic snapped.

In the sky, Torrent laughed slightly, "It is true. You cannot defeat me – you are all in jeopardy! All I have to do is figure out your weakness and you're done."

Shadow growled, "You won't figure out anything. The only thing you'll do is perish for what you've done to Jayde."

The ice orbs of the male looked at them, "I haven't done anything to her... yet."

"And you never will!" Sonic shouted, sending him an angry warning glare.

"My, are you two as naive as she?" he chuckled, "All it will take is just one mistake, then you'll be history. Once I get my hands on Jayde, she won't be able to say no. I'll cloud her mind with illusions and she won't be able to escape. The more I threaten her loved ones, the more she'll do for me."

Tails decided to speak up, anger evident in his voice, "You don't deserve that Phantom Cube, you don't even know its true power!"

The bat swooped down to the fox, landing eye level with him. Tails jumped back a bit, his namesakes twisting in anger, "You. You're the one I conjured up for Jayde to hand over the device with. Such a pathetic kid – why would she try and save you?"

Tails took a couple of steps back, but the blue blur was quick to guard his younger brother, sending a powerful punch across Torrent's muzzle, "Stay away from Tails, and all my friends."

Torrent rubbed his jaw, a toothy grin on his face, "You think I'll just do that? Jayde stole that device from me before anyone at GUN tried to come searching for it. I always knew she was a traitor."

"Then why did you get her to work for you?" Sonic asked, still keeping a hand in front of Tails.

The Dark Creature smirked, "Because she felt the need to 'owe me' for saving her. I took her up on that idea and got to know her – once she trusted me, she told me her past and now I know her weaknesses."

"You manipulated her." Sonic spat.

"Hm, maybe. But you've got to admit, she is beautiful. I'm ashamed to admit that I did feel some kind of attraction to her when we first met." Torrent turned and stared at the Ultimate Lifeform. Shadow's ears perked up at this, his lips peeling back, "Those eyes are gorgeous, and her body is so aerodynamic and toned-"

Torrent's neck was grabbed, his body slammed against the nearest tree trunk before a loud growl escape the ebony hedgehog, "She's mine!"

The two sibling's orbs widened at Shadow's possessive statement but then Sonic realised what Torrent had done. The bat smirked, "Bingo." His wings lengthened, swooping up off the ground.

Shadow growled up, fists clenched as he stared up at the male above, "Get down here, you coward! You talk about Jayde like that; you get a knuckle shaped bruise on your muzzle!"

"Shadow, stop!" The blue blur hissed, trying to subconsciously warn him.

"No, he disrespected Jayde. He will pay."

Torrent grinned, "Yes, keep talking, hedgehog. I can find more and more out about your weakness." The red striped male's eyes widened but he quickly covered his shock, clenching his fists. He had tricked him, "Now, if you'll excuse me, rodents, I have a hedgehog to catch."

03:08: Tails workshop

Jayde was stood, involuntary shaking in the locked room. She never had felt claustrophobic before because she always knew her way out. But at the moment, Jayde didn't know how long Shadow was going to keep her caged in.

That's what it felt like; her main fear.

Because of her new powers, she had also developed trepidation inside her too. Other than the fear of being taken over again by Raven, she was afraid of being experimented on. Whether it was by Eggman, or even GUN, she couldn't brace the idea of being isolated with no escape. She paced around for a few more minutes until her ears picked up the slightly click of the lock. Jayde should've been happy, enthralled even, but those emotions were long gone and were hidden by anger.

The twin tailed fox slowly opened the door, Jayde about to rage at the ebony hedgehog who was nowhere to be found. The female growled, "Where is he?"

Tails flinched a bit, still trying to overcome the fear that Torrent had recently uncovered in him, "Jayde, wait! You don't understand-"

Azure eyes hardened, involuntary glaring at the youngster. Jayde's Dark Form was raging to be let lose, holding her back as much as she could but the female knew it wouldn't be long unless she got some answers, "I understand plenty. That rat locked me in and I want to know why!"

"Jayde, they're at Rouge's, but-" The female leapt on her board before she shot off. It took the twin tailed Mobian a few seconds to realised Jayde was gone before he pursued her, "Jayde, wait!"

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