35: Got A Question For Ya✔️

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Music: Hope - Morley

[A/N: sorry Shadow's a little out of character in this chapter!]

Shadow and Sonic fought against the guards as they continuously flowed from Torrents base, "Jees, how many guards does this guy need?" The blue blur asked, spin dashing into multiple men at a time.

"They aren't real." Shadow muttered, punching one directly in the stomach only for it to fall and evaporate into thin air, "They are illusions from the Phantom Cube, but still just as dangerous."

Sonic hummed before racing through more guards, "Hey Shads - I got a question for ya!"

Shadow chaos speared multiple illusions, turning to make a direct hit to one before looking at the blue hedgehog, "And what might that be?"

"If you're the Ultimate Lifeform, who was certain he had no place in the world once before - how come you love Jayde?" Sonic smirked.

Shadow darted about, chaos controlling everywhere as he knocked out multiple guards, but that didn't prevent the small reddening on his muzzle, "I don't know what you're talking about, Faker."

"Jees, are you becoming naive?" Emerald orbs looked at the ebony male, just noticing that rare blush, "You like Jayde! Everyone knows - are you scared to admit that?"

Shadow gripped one guards gun before firing it towards the few in front of him. He sighed, "She's trouble - chaos really." Sonic frowned slightly at him, quickly ducking from an incoming attack before spin dashing through them. Shadow looked back at the hole Knuckles dug to rescue her, "But her smile dared me to fall in love with her."

Sonic smirked, "Never knew you were so poetically inclined."

Shadow growled, "I knew a sarcastic comment would run from your mouth."

"It's cute." Sonic chuckled before mumbling, "And very uncharacteristic."

"What, like the silent relationship between you and Rose?" Shadow smirked as the blue blur paused.

"Excuse me? Ames is my best friend."

Shadow chuckled, "Jayde was right - you do friendzone yourself."

"Wha-but- no!" Sonic huffed, puffing out his cheeks as he growled a bit before punching a guy close to him. The three other Mobians cape running out the trees towards the two hedgehogs. Sonic noticed the pink female and waved to her, "Hey, Ames!"

Shadow snickered at his exaggerated greeting, a glare shooting his way, "Real smooth."

"Hey, guys!" Amy smiled, "Thought you might need a hand!" Sonic nodded before spin dashing in front of her, allowing her to whack his form with her mallet, performing their new technique. The blue blur shot from his position and crashed through multiple illusions, each of them evaporating into nothing.

At this moment, Knuckles burst through the ground, Jayde tightly in his grasp. Sonic unrolled and frowned at the newly formed hole, "Isn't the idea to come out the way you went in?"

The red echidna placed Jayde on her feet, brushing off his quills. A few grunts and gun shots were heard, and they looked back to the hole, "We ran into some trouble." he muttered."

"Jayde!" the said hedgehog was only able to turn before she was brought into a tight hug from a familiar blue fox who sobbed on her shoulder, "I'm so sorry I left you! I-I didn't-"

The grey female pulled her friend back and looked at her, "Cleo, it's okay. I'm fine!"


"It doesn't matter. You were hurt and needed to get out as soon as possible. I was fine, okay?" Jayde smiled, earning a small return from the light blue Ocheanian in front of her.

Shadow ran over to the grey hedgehog, grabbing hold of her arm, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

The Protector brushed him off with a small smile, "I'm fine, Shades."

But crimson orbs caught sight of the dark bruise on her face and a low growl left him. Gloved hands reached up, but Jayde was quick to flinch away, "I swear to Chaos, I will kill him."

Jayde chuckled, "Heh, get in line, dude."

"Sorry to break up your romantic reunion," Rouge spoke, earning a glare from both hedgehogs, "But we've got more important issues to deal with right now." The gang circled, staring outward at the amount of guards surrounding them.

"They are all illusions." Sonic spoke with a grin, "All we gotta do is hit 'em hard!"

Knuckles raised his fist, "Let's go!" and they all charged outwards, fists and feet aiming for every single guard. Three blurs were seen, a blue, a gold and a green. Jayde had hopped on her board after receiving it again from the twin tailed fox, flying through the guards who trapped her here.

Multiple shouts were heard, the gang looking towards the door before the Babylon Rouges burst out on their Extreme Gear. Sonic rolled his eyes as the group landed beside them, "Hey, no one called for a dramatic entrance here."

"Don't be jealous just because I'm the King of the Skies, hedgehog." Jet remarked, crossing his arms as a smirk made its way on his beak.

Jayde swooped down just above his head, making him flinch, before landing beside the blue hedgehog, "And I'll gladly race you for that title."

Jet huffed and was about to make a comeback before Wave stopped him, "Guys! We have more important problems - Torrent found way of our plan and he now has both the Phantom Cube and its prototype."

"Chaos Jet, can't you do one thing?" Knuckles asked, punching a guard beside him as they walked closer.

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Of course, it was no one's fault!" a familiarly scratchy voice mumbled, coming out from the shadows of the building, "I just get what I want." His body shot forward, Jayde's orbs widening before her body was in his nasty clutches once again.

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