33: Prototype✔️

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Music: Upside Down - Tyler Fiore

20:48: Unknown Location

"Torrent! Let me out of here!" Jayde shouted but she was met with silence.

She let out a small sigh, walking around the cell. The tingle of chains echoed around her, attached to her wrist because Torrent no longer trusted her, even with metal bars locking her in. Soon after she figured out what Torrent was planning for Shadow, they fought for hours on end. It ended up with bruises and cuts over each of them and Jayde being chained to the wall - thankfully, the chain was long enough that she could get up and walk around the cell. Jayde had to find a way out of here and stop Shadow before Torrent continued with his plan. The Protector couldn't bare to think of what would happen to the Ultimate Lifeform if Torrent's plans succeeded.

"Do you enjoy pacing the cage?" Jayde turned and saw the violet swallow before walking to the edge of the cell, "I know you can't go far but that doesn't mean you have to wear away the floor."

Jayde rested her arms on the bars, giving the bird an unamused look, "So, how far have you got with our plan?"

Wave pulled her hand from behind her and revealed a Phantom Cube. It glowed brightly, lighting up the Protector's eyes. "I've just perfected the Phantom Cube prototype. It will feel like it has the exact same amount of power to Torrent, but it will be a dud."

"Great! Can you let me out now?"

The swallow shook her head with a small sigh, "I wish I could. Everything is ready to go and you don't know how much easier this would be with your help. But Torrent's beginning to catch on to our plan - he's changed all the locks and I'm pretty sure we're moving location tomorrow."

Jayde groaned and turned away from the bars, hoping over the chain, "Torrent's just pathetic." She growled, "Using someone's weakness against them is child's play. If he was a real villain, he'd be plotting against them - not running with his tail between his legs."

Wave nodded, "I've also figured out what was wrong with Jet and you were right," she said, "As soon as I got the Phantom Cube prototype working, he was straight out of mind control and trust me - he's not happy."

"How does that work?" Jayde asked with a frown.

"Well, much like the effects of the ruby prototype against the Phantom Ruby, once the power of this prototype was initiated, it created a negative effect which stopped whatever was manipulating Jet." Wave explained, "You should also feel a bit more of your strength returning."

"Very scientific." the grey hedgehog mumbled, "He hasn't attack Torrent yet, right?" Jayde asked. If the green hawk had, it could ruin any chance of her ever escaping.

Another voice was heard and the said hawk appeared in front of the females, "You bet I wish I can." The male snarled, "But as soon as I knew what Wave was doing, I was able to control my anger before I landed one on that manipulative bat."

Jayde looked at him, "Could you see what you were doing when under mind control?"

Jet shrugged, "I don't remember any of it. I only know we captured you because Wave told me." He replied, "The only thing I remember was feeling extremely powerful."

The Protector nodded, "From what I heard from Tails, the Phantom Ruby was able to create virtual reality, but even then, whatever was created could be seen as stronger."

Wave looked towards the cube in her grasp, "This prototype must be more powerful than I thought. If this was able to bring Jet out of mind control, do you think that Torrent would still be able to use this?"

"Even if it did, I'll still beat him to a pulp for using me." Jet hissed.

Jayde chuckled, walking back to the bars and leaning on them with a smirk, "I knew you weren't one to follow others. You're a leader."

Jet crossed his arms and nodded. Wave rolled her eyes, "Tch, yeah - he hopes he can tell me what to do."

"Whatever," the hawk muttered, "I just can't wait for this to be over, so I can reclaim my crown as king of the skies."

"What, afraid that I've taken that from you?" Jayde grinned.

"T'yeah, you wish, missy." He muttered before walking away. Wave chuckled slightly, turning to face the grey hedgehog.

Jayde looked at the Phantom Cube, "I think it's best if you created some kind of self-destruct on that thing, just in case." The violet swallow nodded in agreement, "In the meantime, I'll be awaiting my escape for freedom," she shivered, "I hate being concealed in here."

"You shouldn't be in here much longer. Putting a self-destruct on a prototype? That's about as easy as equipping Extreme Gear with thrusters." Jayde looked at Wave in amusement before she turned to walk away, "I'll try and be as quick as I can with this but because Torrent is on my trail, I've got to do it a secretly as possible too." She sighed.

"It's fine - but do you think I could get some Pocky or something? I haven't had a sweet snack all week!" Jayde whined.

Wave shook her head as she walked away, an amused grin on her beak, "You're a strange one, hedgehog."

"I aim to please." Jayde spoke before sighing to herself and turning away. She looked around the dark cell before looking at her palms. Light trails slowly burned from her hands, brightening up her surroundings; wow, even that felt lit it drained a lot of my energy... She didn't know whether or not Sonic and the others were even searching for her - to be honest, she wouldn't blame them if they weren't. She'd become such a nuisance for them over the past few months that they were probably happy to have a break from her for a couple of days!

As much as she didn't think they would, Jayde really hoped they were coming for her. She hated being locked up with no means of escape. She would try using her powers, maybe a spin dash here and there, but the Phantom Cube Torrent had was continuously taking away her energy. Even her the green band around her inhibitor rings were slowly darkening every day. If they came for her, and were successful, she'd leave them be. She's got them in trouble three or four times now, and endangered their lives herself when Raven was unleashed. She didn't know how they'd feel about this, but she knew it would be better for everyone - even Shadow.

She sighed, resting her head on the cold bricks, "Please just find me. Then I'll leave you be."

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