1 - Cemetary Drive

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A/N: This is my first Gerard Way fanfic so I'm sorry if it's not all that great. Enjoy -Gxx

Chapter One

Adelaide's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the light pitter-patters of raindrops hitting against my window. I no longer felt the throbbing ache of my migraine I had earlier. It was late afternoon, and I had just woken up from a much needed nap. I sat up in bed and stretched as I looked over my shoulder to look outside of my window.

It was gloomy and rainy outside. It was only late September, so it was pretty cold outside too. Normally, I complain about the rain, but lately it has been matching my mood. Miserable.

I got out of bed, my feet touching the cool, hard floor. I shivered and walked over to my closet. "Might as well go for walk before it gets late..Don't wanna waste the day away" I muttered groggily to myself. I pulled out a large gray sweater (which was super cozy), along with a pair of black jeans.

I grabbed my umbrella from my closet and my little backpack that I always carried with me. I walked out of my room and downstairs to the front door.

"Addie, Where are you going?" My dad called from the kitchen. He was having a cup of coffee with my stepmom. "For a walk, I'll be back" I said grumpily. I tried bonding with him so many times, but my stepmom seems to always get in the way. I don't bother much anymore, We just kinda do our own thing.

I opened the door and walked out, slamming it shut before he could say anything else. Maybe I was being a bit of an ass, but I dont really care anymore. I made my way up to the very last cemetery. The old rusty sign read 'Cemetery Drive'. It was quite old and there was an adandoned shed there.

When I had reached the frail and wooden shed, I climbed it carefully, not really planning on injuring myself. I closed my umbrella now that the rain was only a light drizzle. I decided to sit down and relax. I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off into a deep slumber.

A/N: Short chapter, I know, ugh. But hey, I'll try to make them longer through-out the story. Mkay, until next time!

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