26 - Can You Stake My Heart? Part two

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Chapter twenty-six

Adelaide's P.O.V

I no longer have full control of my body. I have control over my thoughts, but everything I do is now controlled by this demon that is a part of me.

I was right about Mikey muttering demonic chants. He was summoning a demon to possess me because he knew I wouldn't follow his orders. I would fight until I got my way. And that's what I was planning to do near the end. Would have I succeeded? Probably not.

But now I can't even try it. Was he just gonna kill me off after he was done using me as sex toy? What ever he had in mind.. I sure as hell did not like it.

Here I am, left here with just my thoughts. Maybe if I fight this fucking demon that is possessing me I could see what's gonna go on? I mean, its worth a try, right?

Mikey's P.O.V

"Now, Adelaide, I want you to follow me and listen closely to the directions I'm about to give you.." I was of course addressing this to the demon that possesses her. She was full of sickening scars on her ghostly pale skin. Her now bright yellow eyes burned right into my eyes.

"Yes, Sir" she spoke in a deeper and smooth tone. She still sounded feminine, but her voice was just slightly deeper and it wasn't so shaky as it had been earlier.

I took her/the demon by the hand and lead her into a secret room. In the room, I closed the door and locked it behind me. A smirk formed on her lips as she hopped up on the wooden table, her legs swinging back and forth.

She shot me a playful smile and I bit my lip, cocking a brow. "If you think we're in here for.. playtime, you're wrong, I need you to do me a favor" I said awkwardly, trying not to anger the demon. She/the demon pouted and hopped off of the table, coming closer to me. "Oh fine, what are the directions?" she asked, sighing in boredom, but she still showed a little interest.

Just as I was about to speak, I was cut off by the sound of hissing and pain-filled screaming coming from down the hall. She turned around, looking down the hall. Down the hall there were three more shabby looking rooms. In one of the rooms, I was holding someone hostage. But not for long.

She turned back around, facing me, giving me a confused look. "That room" I pointed to the first room on the right. "A man is in that room, and I want you to kill him" I directed as I took a small box off the wooden table that was in the room. I shoved the box into her hands and patted her on the shoulder.

She smiled widely like a child on Christmas day. She seemed to have fully understand what I meant. "With pleasure" was all she said before turning around and making her way to the room. I followed after her slowly so I could watch, making sure things go as planned. So far, everything was working out smoothly.

When we reached the room, I stood outside in the dark hall. Why? You'll see in a moment. Here in this room, I was holding my brother hostage. He was cuffed by metal chains and cuffs to the dark wooden wall.

The room had no roof, and FYI, the sun had already rised, leaving only the hot sun beating down on him. The sun light really wasn't so deadly to us vampires, only if we stay out in it for long enough it'll start to harm us. It's kinda like a very slow and painful way for us to die.

Gerard was covered in bubbling blisters and his skin was red in most places. His black hoodie had rips and holes in it from our battling, revealing some patches of pale skin here and there. Gerard had his teeth clenched tightly (so tight that I thought he was going to break his jaw or even his teeth by the looks of it), around his eyes were dark, red and puffy, and he was screaming and growling in pain.

It was an awful sight but I had to do what I had to do. It was against the rules to fall in love with humans. You do not simply fall for your food nor should you play with it. This had to be done because you cannot destroy love but you can destroy the individual yourself. He killed many of his own kind just to protect her. Just for a helpless little human. I didn't see what he saw in her. All I saw was a tasty snack.

I smirked at the sight of Gerard in pain. This will do the trick. I watch as Gerard looked down at Adelaide. "Ah- A-Adelaide?" he managed to choke out her name during his fits of screeching. I didn't realise what had happened to the girl but she was now on her knees, snarling and.. talking to herself?

"No! Stop! Gerard! No n-"

"Shut up, bitch! I'll take it from here.."

"Gerard, I-I love you! Plea-" Adelaide whined and sobbed.

"I said shut the fuck up! You can't stop me!"

The demon seemed to have hushed her for now. The demon and her must have been fighting over the body. I guess she was struggling to gain her control back. It's kinda sad how she thinks she can save herself and her 'lover' so they could have a happy ending.

Gerard's P.O.V

I shook and continued to scream out in pain as I watched Adelaide through misty eyes. She sat there on her knees in front of me. She opened the brown box slowly, revealing tools I've never thought I'd ever see her pick up. They were the tools to kill a vampire with. Oh shit.

I was already in excruciating pain from the sunlight beaming down onto my skin. I was blistering and bubbling up from it. I just didn't know how much more of this I could possibly take. I wanted this to end right know. Maybe death was the best option. At least I'll be killed by the one I love.

She stood up in front of me, holding her killing tools in her hands. She wore a great big and sly grin on her face. It made me sick to my stomach. This wasn't my Adelaide. This wasn't the awkward and delicate human girl I knew.

We stood face to face, looking into each others eyes for what seemed like hours. I tried to see how she really felt but I got nothing. I winced in pain as the bubbling and blistering got even worse. This was starting to become unbearable.

"S-stake my fucking heart! Do it already!" I hissed through clenched teeth, closing my eyes shut as I threw my head back. I shrieked as new pain jolted up inside me like electricity all of a sudden. And this time the pain was coming from my chest. She did it. I dared to look down. The last thing I saw was blood seeping through my mangled hoodie, the stake that was now buried deep into my chest, and Adelaide on her hands and knees, screaming and sobbing.

Hello, darkness, we meet again.

THE END! o: *clap clap clap* its okay, don't cry just yet! There will most likely be a sequel to this story. But if I make a sequel, would you guys enjoy it? Do you think it'll be just as good? Usually sequels don't end up to be as good as the first xD but yeah. Thank you so so much for reading, and for giving this fanfiction a lot of reads and love! I never thought it would get this much attention. I love you dudes c: Farewell. -Gxx

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